Hell if I know


New member
I have doen two EQ only cycles before and my acne on my face actually got better. I am now on EQ 800mgs a week and test propionate 50mgs EOD and the same thing is happening. I get more acne on my shoulders but that's it. I have searched boards for this and I have never read about it from anyone else. I am 24 and usually breakout like I am still a teenager but when on cycle it actually goes away. I am also taking Avodart which stops the DHT conversion from test but I still can't understand how it could get better. Not that I am complaining,lol.
Welcome to the club. I always find that my skin has less zits when on cycle compared to when I come off. That said, I dont expect too many people to be in our club. I dont understand it either, but like you said, Im not going to complain.
I'm the same, when I come off I break out bigtime. Especially when I start the clomid. Nothing like the good ol feeling of being on cycle :D
Cool now I know I'm not the only freak,lol. I was expecting test to fuck me up. Are you guys using propecia or anything?
yeah, i'm on my third and no acne. first one was a bit*&. getting better with more cycles. oh well!
acne is usually a result of horomone flucuations, maybe when we cycle since a lot of us are careful about our dosing times to keep out levels stable you are actually helping your body. off cycle maybe your bodies aren't keeping your levels stable and that is forcing the acne. kind of like when certain women miss periods because their horomones are level all the time but when they are on Birth control they are very regular. just a hypothesis.
Very good point very much a possibility. Too bad they don't research Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) more.
Obviously we have a trend here...I've always been the same way. I have thought in the past that it was likely the clomid...
I experience the same thing when I'm on cycle. My back and shoulders clear up during my cycle, and when I'm off I begin to breakout again.
Stone is right. The reason for the breakouts when coming off is because your hormone levels are out of whack because you're trying to get your body to jump start itself and produce it's own test.