Hello from Chennai - Need help in setting up 3rd cycle


New member
Hello All,
I'm Prem, from chennai, India. Age :30, height: 5'7, Weight: 75 Kgs. Its been about 15 months since I started working out. Results are minimal, nothing to write about. I attribute it to the shitty diet that I follow :). With regards to AAS, Been on 2 cycles, 1st was Oral only (Dbol) & 2nd was Cutting (Tren --> I know this stuff is not for beginners, Winny) but had to quit mid way due to various reason (not health realted issues). Now planning my 3rd... Need help in setting up a proper diet and cutting cycle. Will explain in a separate thread. Thats abt me. Looking forward to hear suggestion from gurus. Thanks.
just do 500 or 600 mg of test e or test c for 16 weeks I would recommend staying on forever if you plan on taking steroids that's just common sense to me blast and cruise of course at the moment I'm cruising on 100 mg of test prop every other day and test base 50 to 100 mg 1 hour before working out
Well your first two cycles are a big no no! Test is the base for all cycles and it doesn't look like you used any at all. Explains the shitty results. Everything shuts you down that's why you need test as a base. Without test, essentially your not a man. Read up on this link...


Yep, I have read this everyone but all because of my Ex-trainer, he insisted to start with oral to see how my body reacts. I got lil big, but felt bloated. Going forward will include Test in all my future cycles.

just do 500 or 600 mg of test e or test c for 16 weeks I would recommend staying on forever if you plan on taking steroids that's just common sense to me blast and cruise of course at the moment I'm cruising on 100 mg of test prop every other day and test base 50 to 100 mg 1 hour before working out

Staying on forever ?? Are you kidding :D .... forever = NO Natural Forever right ???

have you considered hiring a professional for your nutrition??

i am available if interested in becoming a client

contact me at 3jdiet@gmail.com

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.


Thanks for the offer, 3j. but I already have new trainer and dietician in place (this comes as part of new GYM membership itself
:)) .

As part of my 3rd cycle preparation, BW done. Will create a new thread to take this forward. Thanks.