hello new guy here



hi looks like a great forum glad to be here ...

here is a pic to get going..
Looking good bro, arms could do with growing abit but who am i to criticise its like the pot calling the kette black.
ya am working hard on the tri,s at the moment

thanks for the post man
running any gear ?

that pic was took in feb at the end of my winter bulk(natty)

i had done one cycle 2 years before of Sustanon (sust) and dbol but been natty and aint used in 2 years.

just started a cycle (19 days in)

take a look in the steroid forum i posted it up..

i will post some more pics in the next few days.

184lbs in that pic i am 198lbs now and i would say 2% less body fat so its going well
nice thickness...interested in some stats...you look tall, I am 5'7 so anything is tall to me
here is the stats of now ,i am on cycle so will be going up i9n weight and droping body fat.

25 yo


198lbs(186 in that pic)

10% body fat
Lookin good beast-man! The back shot really shows off your traps - nice work. Arms look good too but i understand u want to max them out - Try decline skull crushers for the tri's - they really kill!

Keep it up - later dude.