Hello Ology Im a the newest Rep for Euro-pharma


New member
I just wanted to quickly introduce myself as I know long introductions can be boring.
I was accepted to be one of the newest reps for Euro-Pharmacies and I am excited
to have been chosen from a group of applicants that turned out to be tough competiton.

I look forward to taking this position because I want to test myself and my knowledge and
offer assistance in a product I believe in. Outside of my TRT prescription the Euro-Pharmacies line
has always been my goto for gear. So repping for them is a pleasure. I have ran a few logs over the
years for their products and always tried to be as open and as accurate as possible.
I was always happy with my results from using products from the line.
As a new rep I look forward to hearing from anyone with any feedback or have any questions.

I have almost 10 years experience using gear and have a lot of good background in diet and training.

I want to thamk Vision for selecting me. We spent some time texting each other and getting to know each other.
He really knows his stuff when it comes to this business and he made it clear that he is here to service our customers
and to back up all of the reps like myself. So with that said you as a customer get quite an extensive
network of knowledge. Knowledge that ranges from diet and nutrition to fitness and AAS/PCT , etc.

As I start this new position Im thinking it will be very enjoyable for me because I take quite an interest in
all of it. So hit me up with anything. See around the board!
First and foremost, it's a pleasure to have had the opportunity speaking with you in PM's and via text.. You truly took the extra measures with articulating your resume and explaining your view on customer service as well as transparency, as we share the same common goal...

It's a pleasure to have you aboard the EP team..

I have no doubt that you will keep this community informed with your feedback with products, as well as providing them with the service that they need and expect..

Remember the key word that I implemented "Transparency"...
I just wanted to quickly introduce myself as I know long introductions can be boring.
I was accepted to be one of the newest reps for Euro-Pharmacies and I am excited
to have been chosen from a group of applicants that turned out to be tough competiton.

I look forward to taking this position because I want to test myself and my knowledge and
offer assistance in a product I believe in. Outside of my TRT prescription the Euro-Pharmacies line
has always been my goto for gear. So repping for them is a pleasure. I have ran a few logs over the
years for their products and always tried to be as open and as accurate as possible.
I was always happy with my results from using products from the line.
As a new rep I look forward to hearing from anyone with any feedback or have any questions.

I have almost 10 years experience using gear and have a lot of good background in diet and training.

I want to thamk Vision for selecting me. We spent some time texting each other and getting to know each other.
He really knows his stuff when it comes to this business and he made it clear that he is here to service our customers
and to back up all of the reps like myself. So with that said you as a customer get quite an extensive
network of knowledge. Knowledge that ranges from diet and nutrition to fitness and AAS/PCT , etc.

As I start this new position Im thinking it will be very enjoyable.
Good for you if its what u want. I just ordered a couple vials of their tren ace. Actually i plan to put theirs up against other labs I've tried. The first tren I ever took was PSL EP line. Good stuff. But when I tried another brand, that I won't mention their name here, it seemed to be more potent, without a doubt. I don't know how else to test tren other than to try it. When u run good tren U KNOW IT. Before I get jumped on by worthy followers just know that I run PSL test for my TRT. All I'm doing is attempting to test quality. I dont know about anyone else but personally I want to spend my hard earned money on the best gear out there. If it happens to be PSL, that's great!
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Soldier... Thats fair enough mane...no one Better jump on you for sharing your experience....I believe in transparency...it's your experience and you have that right to share...I'm far from being biased...
Welcome aboard Anzel!

We were very selective when making this decision to put you on our team. You have a LOOOOONG history with us as a loyal customer, logger, and friend. We get many requests from randoms with no experience with our products or service....but who is going to trust a representative who has never tried the products? We know you have tons of experience with many Euro-Pharmacies products, and extensive knowledge of AAS. Couldn't think of a better fit for our team! :)
Good for you if its what u want. I just ordered a couple vials of their tren ace. Actually i plan to put theirs up against other labs I've tried. The first tren I ever took was PSL EP line. Good stuff. But when I tried another brand, that I won't mention their name here, it seemed to be more potent, without a doubt. I don't know how else to test tren other than to try it. When u run good tren U KNOW IT. Before I get jumped on by worthy followers just know that I run PSL test for my TRT. All I'm doing is attempting to test quality. I dont know about anyone else but personally I want to spend my hard earned money on the best gear out there. If it happens to be PSL, that's great!

Well all you can do is is compare one cycle to the last . But all those variables come into play, dont forget about that. I am not doubting you but do consider that if one cycle your eating better, sleeping better, training with more intensity etc. That can be the difference in results. Sometimes we blame the gear and unless we keep a diary of how we feel and sleep and eat and if stress is bothering us , its hard to compare a cycle thats 6 months to a year apart.

I have only used PSL tren so I cant compare like you, but I had a fantastic run with it!
Those are defiantly fair points that I will keep in mind Anzel, thanks for pointing them out. Although, should clarify, I was more thinking about the sides. The PSL tren I ran first was smooth like butter and really no sides to speak of. All I heard before that cycle was about all the hellacious tren sides, nigjtmares, tren caugh, sweats, the list goes on. I didn't really experience much if any. Sweat, nite sweats, yes. But no caugh, no dreams ect. My first pin of the other brand....man the caugh hit me hard and immediate. Stillmdidnt experience any nitemares but the sweating was way worse. That's why now that I really know what to look for from that experience I want to run PSL tren again to see if any 8f the sides come up. As far As what u spoke about, the gains, hell no problem there. PSL tren seemed to help me reach my goal. Maybe more so with the other brand but i can't honestly say. That's why I'm wanting to do some experimentation. I like to feel solid about what i put in my body. I stand strong behind PSL test e. Also their MT2. Haven't used much else from them. I just hope this goes well as PSL is the only legit source i know that ships domestic(from within the US). That's a big plus for me! Any thoughts on the "no side's" I mentioned??
You prefer the other brand because it gave you more severe sides but similar gains?

No. More so question why didnt one give sides?? Is that common? I'm curious to see the difference in brands when bulking, as I will be putting on weight. My first cycle was a cut in which weight didnt change much. But yeah, if u have experience with tren, are sides different or nonexistent depending on brand?
Also want to clarify that the cycle I'm refering to was more of a "get your feet wet" kind. I was recommended, being first tren exp, run low dose. I ran 50mg/day ace. Keeping it real, one could of damn near achieved what I did natty. Just saying. My goal at the time was to loose bf and more vascularity and of course loose my tren virginity..lol. So going back to my original response to Anzel. Its not about the gains I did or didn't get. Just sides. That's all. What's up with that??? Anyone?
Upcoming blast I plan to run higher dose, say around 75mg/day, and I'll be keeping track of weight gains, more so then.
Also want to clarify that the cycle I'm refering to was more of a "get your feet wet" kind. I was recommended, being first tren exp, run low dose. I ran 50mg/day ace. Keeping it real, one could of damn near achieved what I did natty. Just saying. My goal at the time was to loose bf and more vascularity and of course loose my tren virginity..lol. So going back to my original response to Anzel. Its not about the gains I did or didn't get. Just sides. That's all. What's up with that??? Anyone?
Upcoming blast I plan to run higher dose, say around 75mg/day, and I'll be keeping track of weight gains, more so then.

Good question . first off ime using PSL tren i did get the tren cough from time to time. Interestingly when I have pinned test alone I had the cough once or twice although way more mild. Base on this I am convinced that tren cough is from hitting a vein and the product goes direct into the vein.
As far as nightmares go I think that's one of those things where guys observe something happening in their body and link it to the tren. Like when you get an out of nowhere pain in your chest for a split second and you think oh shit maybe it's the tren or test I'm taking. I have nightmares when I'm off everything and they are freaky, but I'm not going to conclude that I had the nightmare because I'm off AAS anymore than when I'm on.
Sweating seems to be a side that many seem to get when on tren. But once again so many variables come into play. Some guys are taking clen and t3. They are doing more cardio. Or their air-conditioning is 2deg warmer than last cycle. But you are right that sweating is a side effect ...... Common. But what makes you sweat can be the difference in 1 degree. So maybe those variables are too important to overlook. I did notice way more sweating when working out and I felt warmer when in bed trying to sleep. But was I sweating at the gym because of tren sides or was it because the tren had me feeling stronger and I was training with more intensity?

But in your comparison Solider , Me personally.... I would choose the tren that gave me results without the sides!
Anzel... could you tell me what carrier oil PSL uses in their darker test-e? And how about the cypionate? I know about the clear test that's synthetic oil but I have received many brown vials as well, so just curious on the carrier oil before I pin it. Thanks in advance, and congrats to you on earning a spot to rep a great company that is probably my favorite and go to UGL.
I just wanted to quickly introduce myself as I know long introductions can be boring.
I was accepted to be one of the newest reps for Euro-Pharmacies and I am excited
to have been chosen from a group of applicants that turned out to be tough competiton.

I look forward to taking this position because I want to test myself and my knowledge and
offer assistance in a product I believe in. Outside of my TRT prescription the Euro-Pharmacies line
has always been my goto for gear. So repping for them is a pleasure. I have ran a few logs over the
years for their products and always tried to be as open and as accurate as possible.
I was always happy with my results from using products from the line.
As a new rep I look forward to hearing from anyone with any feedback or have any questions.

I have almost 10 years experience using gear and have a lot of good background in diet and training.

I want to thamk Vision for selecting me. We spent some time texting each other and getting to know each other.
He really knows his stuff when it comes to this business and he made it clear that he is here to service our customers
and to back up all of the reps like myself. So with that said you as a customer get quite an extensive
network of knowledge. Knowledge that ranges from diet and nutrition to fitness and AAS/PCT , etc.

As I start this new position Im thinking it will be very enjoyable for me because I take quite an interest in
all of it. So hit me up with anything. See around the board!

Welcome and Congrats Brutha !!