Help. 4 weeks in and have gyno symptoms


New member
I am running 600 mg of test per week dosed twice at 300mg. I planned on running adex from the start but it got held up so I started running without it. (Should have waited)

Anyways I had a bit of nipple sensitivity and a small hard ball develop under my right nipple. I started running adex at .50mg eod and started nolva at 20mg ed. This was about a week ago. The ball under the right nipple feels to be getting a bit bigger and nipples are quite sensitive, so I bumped up the dosage if adex to .50mg ed and nolva to 40 mg ed.

Is there anything else I should do or is this the right plan of action?
Get blood work to see what your E2 is at.

Use raloxifene to shrink the gyno. Read the FAQs link below in my signature. It has a section on how to deal with gyno.

Next time don't start a cycle until you have everything in hand. Hard earned lesson. Do you have your PCTin hand?

How much hCG are you running daily during this cycle?
If your already getting gyno symptoms , why are you not dosing Adex at 1mg eod ? If this doesn't work you need to dose your Adex at 1mg Ed! The worst thing you wanna do ,is to let this gyno get outta control. You must stay on top of this! Never start your. Cycle without having everything you need in hand! You must be aggressive and attack this monster head on and gain control! If the Adex isn't working you may need to switch to aromasin and/or letro! . To be sure of where you are bloodwork should be done to check levels! This is the only way to know for sure what is going on!
If your already getting gyno symptoms , why are you not dosing Adex at 1mg eod ? If this doesn't work you need to dose your Adex at 1mg Ed!

You must be aggressive and attack this monster head on and gain control! If the Adex isn't working you may need to switch to aromasin and/or letro!

Please don't do this!
Macedog I am running adex at .50mg every day atm. Just bumped it up yesterday from .50mg Eod. I didn't think gyno would come on so quick from running test alone, but hard lesson ed learned is right.
If your already getting gyno symptoms , why are you not dosing Adex at 1mg eod ? If this doesn't work you need to dose your Adex at 1mg Ed! The worst thing you wanna do ,is to let this gyno get outta control. You must stay on top of this! Never start your. Cycle without having everything you need in hand! You must be aggressive and attack this monster head on and gain control! If the Adex isn't working you may need to switch to aromasin and/or letro! . To be sure of where you are bloodwork should be done to check levels! This is the only way to know for sure what is going on!

If you do this ^^^^^ you WILL crash your E2 and then what. You need to work on this with Ralox. this will not disappear overnight. With everything be patient work aggressive but sensible DO NOT CRASH your E2 with the above ^^
Megatron28 I'm reading that tamoxifen can also be used to reverse gyno by running at 40 mg a day. Is this something you have experienced or is it required to use raloxifene? Also I'm not running hcg. I didn't have a hard time coming off my cycle the last time so I figured I wouldnt have any issues this time either. Last cycle was test and tren too
If your already getting gyno symptoms , why are you not dosing Adex at 1mg eod ? If this doesn't work you need to dose your Adex at 1mg Ed! The worst thing you wanna do ,is to let this gyno get outta control. You must stay on top of this! Never start your. Cycle without having everything you need in hand! You must be aggressive and attack this monster head on and gain control! If the Adex isn't working you may need to switch to aromasin and/or letro! . To be sure of where you are bloodwork should be done to check levels! This is the only way to know for sure what is going on!

Horrible advice! Most ridiculous thing I've heard of! Do not do this. Ai's do not treat gyno symptoms! Serms do..
Megatron28 I'm reading that tamoxifen can also be used to reverse gyno by running at 40 mg a day. Is this something you have experienced or is it required to use raloxifene? Also I'm not running hcg. I didn't have a hard time coming off my cycle the last time so I figured I wouldnt have any issues this time either. Last cycle was test and tren too

Nolva will work but ralox works better...
Use the advice in the gyno sticky in the ology faq's thread. Rui carries ralox. Banner is at the top of page...
Use the advice in the gyno sticky in the ology faq's thread. Rui carries ralox. Banner is at the top of page...

Shredder you got the best advice from Meg and Tbone and do not take Mecedog advice. Welcome to Ology. When getting advice always check out where it is coming from. What is the rep power how long has the person been established here and verify with another vet just to start.

Good luck you're on track now
Here is something you can read! Maybe my text was taken out of content ! Getting bloodwork is a must! Don't run nolva with Adex ! Reduces its effectiveness up to 60% ,this also goes for letro. What I was suggesting was maybe to switch to aromasin! You must be aggressive within reason and crushing e2 is just as bad as your e2 being out of control! And never start your cycle without having everything you need on hand! Does this sound right megatron?
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Macedog I am running adex at .50mg every day atm. Just bumped it up yesterday from .50mg Eod. I didn't think gyno would come on so quick from running test alone, but hard lesson ed learned is right.
Without asking who your serm or ai is from. Maybe this is the culprit also. There are many things that need to be considered.
But by running both nolva and Adex together your reducing its effectiveness by up to60%