Help converting drostanalone enanthate (masteron enan)


Well-known member
I have done quite a few conversions, but never drostanolone enanthate (basically masteron enanthate). Has anyone converted it, at what concentration, and what was your recipe? Thanks.

Another bro elsewhere recommended 250 mg. ml. with 2% BA and 20% BB, but I'm leery of that concentration. I may just back off to 200 mgs. per ml. and drop the BB a bit but again, I haven't done this before.
Well, I've done plenty of masteron, but it was the propinate ester. I stayed on it for a long time because I really liked the look it game me. Hard and vascular.
I made mine at 333mg/ml using 2%BA, 20% BB, and ethyl oleate. The stuff is amazing. No pain. It has never crashed. And it flows through a 27ga pin like water.
As much as this stuff costs, its always better to have a great experience the first time.