HELP! female 1st time taking winstrol cycle


New member
hey guys!

It's my first time taking winstrol. I really wanna look fit and toned on my wedding day, I have 3 months!

I am a 28 yr old female, 5'2" tall and 130 lbs. I've been sticking to 1200 cal/day diet for the past 5 days, mostly meat and veggies. I am not sure what my bf% is but I'm guessing around 20%... Im planning to work out 5 times a week. half hour on the stairmaster and half hour weights (mostly upper body tho) and some squats, just started last week.

I am currently on my day 5 taking 10mg in the morning 10mg in the afternoon. Should I increase my dosage?

what's a good cycle? how long should my cycle last?

Should I stack it with something else? I don't seem to be losing weight.. I know it's still too early but I was wondering, how long does it take for you to see the results?

any advise on diet and exercise?
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Sorry I don't have advice for a woman (Not knowledgeable at ALL, would be irresponsible to give any) But wanted to say welcome.

Like with most things though (once again, coming from a males perspective) 3 months time to get to your "goal weight" is plenty to do it natural. Since you are not worried about preserving muscle mass above and beyond your genetic potential or dieting down to extreme leanness.

There are a few females around here and 3J (Who is a nutritionist, a far better option IMO then a cycle for you) who will come say a few words i'm sure.
hey guys!

It's my first time taking winstrol. I really wanna look fit and toned on my wedding day, I have 3 months!

I am a 28 yr old female, 5'2" tall and 130 lbs. I've been sticking to 1200 cal/day diet for the past 5 days, mostly meat and veggies. I am not sure what my bf% is but I'm guessing around 20%... Im planning to work out 5 times a week. half hour on the stairmaster and half hour weights (mostly upper body tho) and some squats, just started last week.

I am currently on my day 5 taking 10mg in the morning 10mg in the afternoon. Should I increase my dosage?

what's a good cycle? how long should my cycle last?

Should I stack it with something else? I don't seem to be losing weight.. I know it's still too early but I was wondering, how long does it take for you to see the results?

any advise on diet and exercise?

Hi, Welcome

congrats on the wedding :) Honestly, you don't need winstrol to reach your goals, 3 months is plenty of time to lean out, a good diet a training regimen is what u really need.. Why are u focusing only on upper body ? lower body training is a must, remember u need to build muscle in order to burn more fat.
This is specially common with ladies, the misconception that you will get too "big" and masculine if you lift weights, remember muscle is highly active, so its always burning calories and speeds up your metabolism... if your looking to get "toned" train right and focus on lower body as much as upper body.

For women 20 mgs of Winstrol is on the upper safe limit, keep in mind the risk for sides, virilization,etc and Winstrol isn't particularly easy on the liver ...

I think u have plenty of time to educate yourself, train & diet properly, including a few HIIT sessions a week is a great way of maximizing calories burned and u can take advantage of the "afterburn" effect. Work on tweaking your diet, for me carb cycling works best when leaning out. But just like we are all different sometimes it takes experimenting before u find the diet that works best for u.

There's a lot of good info on the board, check out the diet section.

Good luck :)
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If you havent taken steroids before i wouldnt take them before your wedding. I would recommend doing exactly what mrs.p said. I just think it would be horrible if you got acne or something before your wedding. Plus steroids can raise anxiety in certain individuals i would wait to try winstrol until life is calmer and you dont have any big events about to happen. You could always talk to 3j our nutritionist here and get on one of his programs theirs no down sides or side effects to worry about with a diet program.
Woman. No ma'am!

Winny is a sure fire way to make you hate yourself on your wedding day...not saying its a bad compound, it's not, but I STRONGLY suggest you reconsider for the following reasons:
1. You've never ran winny before. Why would you risk doing it before the biggest day of your life when we want to look and feel our best? It's like laxatives: they never work the way you want them to lol
2. Winny is a DHT will attack your hairline and your voice as a woman. I've run dozens of cycles and winny is the only one that never fails to react with me. Voice changes EXTREMELY fast, hair thins out...and it also increases my aggression. Don't become bridezilla times 5000000.

Want to lose weight and tone? You have 3 months? As a women's physique competitor I can assure you 3 months is a LIFETIME in the fitness world. So much can change in that amount of time. Start now, and start with the weights, fasted AM cardio, and dieting...and you will be hot for your big day!

I would even suggest running an ECA stack over AAS (eca is ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin) always works wonderfully with me. Clen has never produced amazing results with me honestly, even when I'm super toned. Just makes me jittery.

Feel free to message me if you need any tips. If it means you dropping the AAS I'll help in any way I can. Be smart!
hey guys!

It's my first time taking winstrol. I really wanna look fit and toned on my wedding day, I have 3 months!

I am a 28 yr old female, 5'2" tall and 130 lbs. I've been sticking to 1200 cal/day diet for the past 5 days, mostly meat and veggies. I am not sure what my bf% is but I'm guessing around 20%... Im planning to work out 5 times a week. half hour on the stairmaster and half hour weights (mostly upper body tho) and some squats, just started last week.

I am currently on my day 5 taking 10mg in the morning 10mg in the afternoon. Should I increase my dosage?

what's a good cycle? how long should my cycle last?

Should I stack it with something else? I don't seem to be losing weight.. I know it's still too early but I was wondering, how long does it take for you to see the results?

any advise on diet and exercise?

welcome poisonivy,

I agree you have lots of time for diet success, but I like some others wouldn't recommend winny for you. The ECA stack would work better if you're set on taking something to help.
I would also suggest Anavar as a better option. low dose and more suitable for female use. just my 2cnts.
Congrats on the wedding.:)