Help. I think I f#%ed up!


New member
30 something guy here, I hired a trainer, trainer sells me on hgh. Then sells me on swapping out hgh for ghrp-2 and 6. Tells me to stack ghrp with 50mg Ed Anavar (var) and 25 mg Ed Proviron. Now he wants me to run Winstrol (oral) with the rest. I've been on this for 4-5 weeks and he tells me my total cycle will be 16 weeks. From everything I have researched, this spells bad news. Can I safely stop everything now without a pct? Sex drive is basically gone and getting worried that either I don't understand what he's telling me to take or he doesn't know what he's talking about. Shouldn't I have run test as well?

Any help appreciated. Feel free to call me a dumbass, I'm pretty sure I screwed the pooch on this one.
I'm no expert bud. But if your 5 weeks in and your sex drive is shot. I think post cycle therapy (pct) is a must. Like i mentioned im no expert so im not gonna start telling you to take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), clomid and so on, i'll leave that to the more experienced board members. Until then there's plenty to read up on post cycle therapy (pct) on these boards so best thing to do is read up. Sure someone will have the answers for you.
Yes you should stop this and start post cycle therapy (pct). The fact that he wants you to run 3 orals at once is a massive sign that he doesn't know what he's doing. are you running liver support? did he sell you the gear? do you know how and when to run PCT?
Honestly if I were you I'd ask for a refund. I wouldn't take advice from anybody telling me to run orals for 16 weeks. Most people wouldn't even run an injectable cycle that long, much less yet he wants you to run an oral only cycle that long? seriously?

It really bothers me that there are trainers out there that give out shitty advice like this.
Yes, shitty cycle. You could add test though and fuck off the shitty other compounds you've been misinformed about.
I should rephrase - anavar, winstrol and proviron are great - just not the way you're using them.
Nothing wrong with using those 3 orals together. All 3 are easier on the liver than most. Anadrol, Methyltest and d-bol would be a bad one.
I don't understand the HGH swap?
Any way get some HCG. Use 3ius every 3 days. That will bring your sex drive back.
You should always at least use 1,000ml milk thistle everyday
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Nothing wrong with using those 3 orals together. All 3 are easier on the liver than most. Anadrol, Methyltest and d-bol would be a bad one.
I don't understand the HGH swap?
Any way get some HCG. Use 3ius every 3 days. That will bring your sex drive back.
You should always at least use 1,000ml milk thistle everyday
Bro you crazy Winstrol (winny) by itself is bad enough without adding Anavar (var) and proviron (even though prov won't damage liver but still)