30 something guy here, I hired a trainer, trainer sells me on hgh. Then sells me on swapping out hgh for ghrp-2 and 6. Tells me to stack ghrp with 50mg Ed Anavar (var) and 25 mg Ed Proviron. Now he wants me to run Winstrol (oral) with the rest. I've been on this for 4-5 weeks and he tells me my total cycle will be 16 weeks. From everything I have researched, this spells bad news. Can I safely stop everything now without a pct? Sex drive is basically gone and getting worried that either I don't understand what he's telling me to take or he doesn't know what he's talking about. Shouldn't I have run test as well?
Any help appreciated. Feel free to call me a dumbass, I'm pretty sure I screwed the pooch on this one.
Any help appreciated. Feel free to call me a dumbass, I'm pretty sure I screwed the pooch on this one.