help on bulking cycle to prepare for show.


New member
ive cycled on and off for a few years now... the only type of test ive really ever taken was sust... and ive always made good gains. right now im sittin at about 255-260 fairly lean probably about 10% body fat but im 6ft 3 ive ran super tren by stealth and loved it ive also ran deca b4 and loved it... those were in different cycles but each stacked with sust. ive worked up to about 900mg of test a wk. im runnin 4 ius of growth 5 days a wk right now. ive ran insulin before and im down to do it again because my gains were ridiculous. but ive never done a show before and i want to do one next april... i want to try and get as close to 300lbs as i can before i start to diet. any advice or suggestions on a cycle would be great and when should i start if the shows goin to be next april also into consideration ill go into a cutting cycle for my diet. i appreciate the help. keep gettin big.