help picking first ph cycle


New member
hey guys im new to the forum. thanks for having me!
im looking to start using prohormones and would like so advice since there are so many out there.
background on me
im 33 and i have been lifting/training in some sort since i was 16. played alot of sports,basketball then powerlifting , then bjj thai boxing and eventually mma...latley i have been doing alot of powerlifting and Olympic lifts and biking/trail running...
im 6ft2 and 212lbs at 10-12% bf....

id like to use something that will give me good strength gains without alot of neg sides..would like to lean out and i definitely dont want to gain weight( i know this will be largely based on nutrition but not looking for water retention either)
ive never used ph's before

thanks for the help
Your stats seem good so as long as your diet and training are in sync, google ph reviews. Or type one in under search here. I have used several over the years with Msten being the best i have touched. Some are weak but this stuff was strongest in terms of strength gains, and leaner gains. I didn't feel bulky but arms exploaded. Orbit Nutrition - Buy IronMagLabs M-STEN Rx Cheap!
IMO for strength and to shred out;

Ironflex supps trenstane- 40 four weeks (40/40/40/40)
Hexadrone 90-120mg for four weeks as well
Ironflex cycle defense- per bottle instructions

Clomid 50/50/50/25
Evomuse ammo
Ironflex supps Formabolic-2/2/2/2/1 (pumps a day)
I'm new to forums. Haven't used PH in years. Superdrol was king. What's out today that realistically comes close? Please don't try to be a salesman and advertise. I'm looking for honest information on actual current working products. Thank you.
Any if the GK n2bm ph"s.

Dianabulk would be my choice.

Dianabulk for a first cycle recommendation....

Obviously don't listen to this, as all these guys want to do is push their products and don't actually read the OP or care about anyone's health. *shakes head in disappointment*
I'm new to forums. Haven't used PH in years. Superdrol was king. What's out today that realistically comes close? Please don't try to be a salesman and advertise. I'm looking for honest information on actual current working products. Thank you.

Hard to say anything actually comes close that is out today, maybe a stack of some sort. There's stuff that claims to be, but based on logs and feedback nothing quite matches up. Don't get me wrong, there's stuff out that'll give you great results, just nothing that you can really compare to superdrol (probably nothing quite as "toxic" either). A few compounds that might "come close" are m-sten, DMZ, Dimethandrostenol. Some claim methyldiazirinol comes close, but I'm running it as part of a stack right now and can't say it comes close. There's a Superdrol PH that might actually come close, but you have to run it at really high doses in order to come close to the effects, IMO and my arms broke out like nothing I ever saw even as an oily italian teenager (like so bad I had to wear compression sleeves just to cover it up because it was in a word "embarrassing". As much as I liked the results, can't say I'd ever run it again because of this fact, but not everyone may react that way).
Thanks for info. What would be a good stack of current PH to get some size and strength?

Start with a single compound for your first run. Many go with and have good results for some size and strength with a Halo or an Epi Clone. Of the available clones for those, Helladrol and Epi Strong from MR Supps (Muscle Research) are my personal favorites, but there are several companies out now with quality clones. For Helladrol, I know there are several logs on here of first time runs with before and after pictures. With the right support supps, PCT, diet, and gym routine I don't think you'll be disappointed. There are some that go with a slightly harsher compound for their first run (like Msten, DMZ, etc...), but in my experience either of the aforementioned are a good place to start.
I have done a few cycles of Halodrol and Equistane in the past and I loved it. Ive been doing a lot of reading the last few weeks and I have to say I am very interested in DMZ 3.0. Im still researching length and dose for cycle and what to run while on cycle, perhaps Aromasin. Then for PCT I was thinking Clomid 100/50/50/50/25/25 and
Tamoxifen 20mg ED for 6 weeks. Please chime in if you have any input on this.

(On a side not I was also looking at Dianabulk but it seems like a lot of shit jammed in one product and the doses are way off.)
Here is a basic cycle for Super DMZ 3.0 that I designed around various research articles. Thoughts?

Super DMZ 3.0 @ 2 caps ED for 8 weeks or 3 caps ED for 6 weeks.
Aromistane @ 25mg ED on cycle
Liver Support (Various brands)

then PCT:
Clomid @ 100/50/50/50/25/25
Tamoxifen @ 20mg ED for 6 weeks
I have done a few cycles of Halodrol and Equistane in the past and I loved it. Ive been doing a lot of reading the last few weeks and I have to say I am very interested in DMZ 3.0. Im still researching length and dose for cycle and what to run while on cycle, perhaps Aromasin. Then for PCT I was thinking Clomid 100/50/50/50/25/25 and
Tamoxifen 20mg ED for 6 weeks. Please chime in if you have any input on this.

(On a side not I was also looking at Dianabulk but it seems like a lot of shit jammed in one product and the doses are way off.)

Oop, sorry about that sometimes I suck at looking at who actually posted a message and confused you with the OP.
I'm running a multiple compound stack right now with additional separate single compounds to bring up the dosing of specific compounds within the stack, and for me personally, I don't think I'm going to run a stacked compound like that again in the future. I'd rather stack separate single compounds so I can control the dosing, etc... I know there are some good logs on the SDMZ3 out there, but I know one guy who just got done running it and his feedback was that he felt like he could have gotten the same gains from running msten solo. There are very few of the multi-compound stacked products that are correctly dosed.

For example on the SDMZ3, while guys are seeing good results from Msten in the 20-30mg range, the "sweet spot" for DMZ and Alpha One is around 60mg.

If you do run the SMDZ3, I'd probably either run it at 2 caps a day all the way through (4 weeks), or you could start at 2 and work your way up to 3, but I personally wouldn't go past 3. As for PCT, I know many do the nolva/clomid route but I'm not a clomid fan myself. Nolva/DAA/AI is my base PCT. For my upcoming PCT I'm using the following combo: Nolva/forma stanzol/Transform Forged Methyl EAA/DAA
Here is a basic cycle for Super DMZ 3.0 that I designed around various research articles. Thoughts?

Super DMZ 3.0 @ 2 caps ED for 8 weeks or 3 caps ED for 6 weeks.
Aromistane @ 25mg ED on cycle
Liver Support (Various brands)

then PCT:
Clomid @ 100/50/50/50/25/25
Tamoxifen @ 20mg ED for 6 weeks

I'd do 6 weeks, start at 2 caps and work your way up to 3.
on PCT see my note in previous post, but I'd only do 4 weeks of the SERM.
For liver support you're gonna want TUDCA or an all around support with TUDCA in it.
You're also going to want something as a test base (something like Dermacrine for example) while on cycle.
Im going to research Tudca now. Also Im assuming the good ol Milk THistle?

As far as Dermacrine, Im going to research that as well but could you explain to me the reasoning for having a test base while on?

Thank you for the quick response.
Im going to research Tudca now. Also Im assuming the good ol Milk THistle?

As far as Dermacrine, Im going to research that as well but could you explain to me the reasoning for having a test base while on?

Thank you for the quick response.

Primobol dex actually includes TUDCA in with the PH. This is a nice added benefit and one less product to have to purchase.