Help w/Dosage for Ralox & Aromasin for gyno reversal, how to taper off


New member
I have had gyno for several years, about the size of a quarter on the left and a nickel on the right. After reading success stories with tamoxifen, I decided to take tamoxifen at 40 mgs ED. It has been two weeks and gyno has reduced on both sides. After doing more research, I have stumbled on articles about Raloxifene and how it is slightly more effective than Tamox, but with less effect on IGF and is fine to run with Aromasin. Should I stop the Tamox and start Ralox with Aro?

I was wondering if anyone can help me out with a protocol and how do I taper these two substances? I was thinking of taking ralox 50mgs ED and Aromasin 25mgs EoD until gyno cleared up, then taper the Aromasin off for a week and continue taking ralox and tapering that after I have stopped the Aromasin. Any thoughts? Thanks for reading, and thanks for the help
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You don't need aromasin with ralox unless your on a cycle. Ralox will take care of the gyno symptoms alone. There's a link to gyno treatment in the ology faq's thread. Go read up on it and it will tell you everything you need to know...
You don't need aromasin with ralox unless your on a cycle. Ralox will take care of the gyno symptoms alone. There's a link to gyno treatment in the ology faq's thread. Go read up on it and it will tell you everything you need to know...

Okay, thanks a lot for the help and insight of where to look.