Help w/ Incorporating Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) into my HRT


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Help w/ Incorporating HCG into my HRT

Currently on a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) of

125 Test E once a week
1.5 iu's HGH ED
25mcg Privironum EOD

Interested in finding advice on adding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) do the above regime. Dosage amount, frequecy etc. etc. Most info I've found has to with PCT and not HRT. Hope some of you HRTers out there can help.
i forget the exact dose... but with a 10 ml mixed bottle of it i would take 1/2 a cc on sat and 1/2 on sunday (total of 1 cc intermuscle per week) throughout the hrt. however my new doc says he recommends it taken 3 times per week. i dont have the details on that yet but check back with me and i will let you know what he recommends after i see him the next time.