Help with first cycle please


New member
Im new to the idea of using injectable testosterone.

Im 30 years old
5'10" 195 lbs
Been working out for years
I have run a cycle of Anavar on its own for 8 weeks. Realised this really doesnt do much without the use of test. Anyway im just looking for advise on what to take. I really am not looking to get huge i was thinking just running a cycle or 2. I havent been able to follow my diet for the last few months for various reasons so im not lean right now. I figure why not bulk first before i go through the effort to cut again. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, look bro, first read my post in this topic if you wish

Also, theres no such thing as "I really dont wannt get huge" - Not sure wat you mean by huge, but from what i understand its a physique that is only achievable after a while of abusing steroids all year along with some other stuff.
Also, theres no such thing as "i'll just run a cycle or 2" - People keep taking steroids for years without much change, because after each cycle (excluding the first one where you might keep like 10-50% of your gains depending on how you close you were to your natural genetic limit), you WILL lose pretty much ALL your gains.

One more thing, after the age of 30, testosterone levels are already down a bit and you should be on TRT so why not just start your own "TRT" now ? Then you can B/C, not worry about PCT, low libido, losing gains n stuff like that?

Ok, no matter what you decide, i dont reccommend starting ANY cycle with high bodyfat you should just diet down to like 10-12% AT LEAST or lower if you can before starting for a few reasons:

1- It will help you NOT lose so much gains after you decide to cut down.
2- It will help your cutting process a lot easier.

3- It will help with side effects you might have (like gino).
4- It will help with your recovery on PCT.
5- It will help you make better use of the testosterone you inject, since you will convert less testosterone into estradiol.
6- It will help you save money because you will have to use less AIs like anastrozole and tamoxifen and also less PCT stuff because your recovery will be faster.

Because fat cells have an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone into estradiol (female hormone), meaning that the more fat you have, the more u'll convert test into estradiol. Also estradiol helps to decrease the production of testosterone.
All this = the fatter you are, the fatter you will get lol. It sucks but its true. It is easier for a lean man to recover from a cycle than a man with 15%+ bodyfat.

To make it even clearer:

High Bodyfat = More Test converted into Estradiol = Higher levels of Estradiol decreases Testosterone production = More female features (gyno) and less male ones = More fat gains and muscle loss = Higher bodyfat = Starts this eternal cycle again until you are just a huge ball of fat with a complete shut down hypothalamus from the extremely high levels of estradiol or until you diet down.
I cant edit my post to add an answer to your first post lol:

First cycle i always say 600mg/week of testosterone (whatever you feel is best). Id go with test prop if you can pin yourself EOD, because you dont know how your body will react regarding side effects, so if you have any serious ones you can stop the usage and they will go away fast.

Read the sticky about 300mg test/week vs 600mg

Also, i know you didnt say anything about this but A LOT of people still think stanozolol/winstrol is great but it isnt, please dont take this ever.

If you want to add something else to the cycle id add a low/mild dosage of EQ (200-300mg/wk) or deca (100-200mg/wk) just to help strenghten your tendons and prevent possible injuries from the heavy weights you will be lifting.

good luck
First of all welcome !

I would go read the beginner cycle sticky if I were you. And as a male you should never run an oral only cycle but I guess you already figured that out. A typical beginner cycle would be 500mg of Test E a week split in two injections along with AI and a proper PCT. But go read the beginner cycle sticky all the info you will need is there.

Rambo : So because his T might be a little down this means for injecting once a week for the rest of your life ? my take would be no.

Last time I checked Tamoxifen is a SERM and not an AI.

And with your experience on this board why are you then suggesting he should add other compounds ? First cycle should be test and test only. I do agree with you on keeping bf as low as possible before you start a cycle to minimize sides though.
Rambo your advice is a little off. We don't suggest to members to put themsslves on trt. Go to a licensed doctor for trt. As mentioned tamoxifen (nolvadex) is a serm not an ai. Using test prop for a first cycle isn't a good idea either. Pinning for the first time in virgin muscle would be painful not to mention all the different sites that would be needed due to eod pinning. Your suggestions can come acrossed as a little reckless...
Welcome OP.

Rambo..damn it son..that was a lot and not bad...mostly.

Danishaestheitc--cool ass name--good call.

T bone nailed it shut.
Ok i wont suggest trt to anyone unless the matter is already being discussed.

I know it is not an AI, i made a mistake typing and i just cant edit my posts for some reason.

I kno very well the difference between AIs and tamoxifen. Thanks for pointing my mistake out.