Help with lowering BA levels in BD products...


Pussy assed woman beater
I have BD gear, the last cycle i did i was swelling after every injection, soreness at every site after every injection, sometimes stopping all mobility in area i injected, its like my muscles never got used to the test e (a buddy used Deca as well with same swelling effects) i was shooting...after about 3 days it would subside and sometimes it would last one whole week...i rotated delts and glutes and somtimes quads but quad injections would cripple me, my source checked out and i got great gains from it, but the pain the days following each injection were nuts, i had two friends using same gear from same source with the same effects, major swelling....if this is from a high BA level so the gear is very sterile, is there a way to lower it, i heard you can put it in the oven at 200 degrees for 5min to lower it this true? if so could someone please guide me through the process of lowering the BA so my next cycles injections wont be hell. If its not possible, then i'm fucked, i did a dumb thing and bought alot of this shit. Please help! Thanks guys.
unless the ba is exremely high it aint the ba causing the pain. what mg/ml is the hormone?

ba dont sterilize anything. its a antimicrobial.

its possible they used short ester gear to make what you have and that can cause pain in higher concentrations.

try cutting it with sterile oil and see if it helps.
the test was 250 the deca was also 250...where would i get sterile oil and how much should i use and how do i use it? in the syringe or vial? i'm an idiot when it comes to anything outside pullin test into the needle and pumping into muscle...