Help with my stack


New member
so a little backround on me, Im a senior in high school and im a wrestler (152lbs), with season coming to a close im looking to some thickness. Im not new to lifting or supplements but i was referred to this site and was told you guys know your stuff lol, well anyways Im lean frame with broad shoulders and a wide back. I was orignally looking into getting Rage RV 5 but they dont make it anymore lol. so here is what i was thinking as my next stack, and i am open to all suggestions, thanks

Halodrol Liquigels
Super Pump 250
Size on
Be sure to get some quality whey protein, and add 5 grams of both glutamine and creatine to your postworkout shakes.

Halodrol is a steroid. I'd advise you get some post cycle therapy (pct) and stop using it ASAP. You can severely mess up your hormonal system.
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You're in high school bro you don't need steroids

they make this new supplement you can find at most grocery stores. Guaranteed results. It's called FOOD. Try it sometime it works