Help with test boosters.


New member
Hey, I am varsity athlete looking to raise my game to the next level.I heard a lot about pink magic from friends and how its a mild test booster. What i also heard was other things need to be taken to counteract the negatives of test boosters. Can someone please help me out and give me pointers of what needs to be taken along with pink magic to help benefit me in the best way possible and to keep my body healthy. Thanks!!
Check out HCGenerate at Need To Build Muscle. Its a great product to use during post cycle therapy (pct) or as a stand alone test booster.
Help please!

Hey, I am varsity athlete looking to raise my game to the next level.I heard a lot about pink magic from friends and how its a mild test booster. What i also heard was other things need to be taken to counteract the negatives of test boosters. Can someone please help me out and give me pointers of what needs to be taken along with pink magic to help benefit me in the best way possible and to keep my body healthy. Thanks!!
X2 on stats.

If your looking for a great test booster check out hcgenerate from also you can use needto139 for 15% off and Shipping is free.
Then what supplements would you recommend for a person my age?

You don't need test boosters. At your age, your test levels should be at they're highest. A couple things you may want to try at Need To Build Muscle...Gear, which will help you to stay in a more anabolic state throughout the day. Need to slin is really good to, will help you to make better use of the foods you eat to build muscle and not fat. Check out 3J in the diet section...he will help you as well.

Need 2 Slin - the worlds first test boosting nutrient repartitioner!

Gear- The best protein supplemet around.