Here it is boys, my first Cycle. [Osta log]

Nice....You will love the Osta

are you using your Sarms Search?

I decided to use Sarms1 osta because I figured the difference wouldn't be much different and it would last me longer. By the way, I know I decided I'd do a 60 day cycle, because it's dosed at 50mgs per ML and there's 30ML so .5ML should equal 60 days, but just going off the eye test it seems like it won't last 60 days.

Anyways, I just did shoulders at the gym. I know it's still too early and it's most likely the placebo effect, but I think I'm seeing more vascularity and muscle seperation. Also, I had a bit of a realization. With my frame, at 6"0, I could easily put another 20-30 pounds of lean muscle. I'm only at 155 right now. Thinking I might run an AAS cycle in the fall.
So you were scared of Phs, but have no worries about jumping straight into the pinning game? LOL
Makes sense... Maybe :P
Day 3

imgur: the simple image sharer
imgur: the simple image sharer
imgur: the simple image sharer
imgur: the simple image sharer

That's me. It should be considered precycle even though I'm 3 days in. As you can see, I'm not an alphadawg... yet.

Anyways, today's dosage was a lot easier. Took it like a boss. I knew what to do right after and everything. Still no noticeable effect although I was thinking, I did see some strength improvements yesterday at the gym. I lowered the intensity of my workouts (reduced the time between sets) but I increased the number of workouts, number of reps, and weights. I had to because I was at a gym and you can't just hog the equipment like that but I'll try and go during the day when there's nobody there.
Day 4

Very successful workout. Did chest and tris. Started off with a bench press then did some high intensity chest workouts, followed by high intensity tricep workouts. Tomorrow is biceps and back and it's gonna be just as bad.
Dude you need food and a structured diet.
People always told me eat eat eat. Now I'm telling you. Eat eat eat.
You can easily get to 190lbs off food and osta.
It takes time.

I'm 6ft tall.
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Here ill even show you what I'm currently using as my current diet after a 3 month bulk off 6000 calories.
(I'm sure it needs work but its structure and consistent).

Wake Shake 6
Oatmeal-150, 1/2 cup dry
Peanut Butter, 2 tbsp
3 whole eggs
Vitamin D milk 8 oz
Banana 8"

Breakfast 9
Chicken, 8 oz
Sweet Potato 8 oz
Almonds, 23 nuts
Asparagus 0.5 cup

Lunch 11-1
Almonds, 23 nuts
Asparagus 0.5 cup
Sirloin - Steak, 8 oz
Sweet Potato 8 oz

Pre 3
Peidmontese Beef 10 oz
Almonds, 23 nuts
Jasmine Rice, 1.5 cup

Post Shake 6-7
Strawberries 0.25 cup,
Orange Juice, 8 oz
Banana 8
Protein Vanilla, 1 `scoop 1g
Blueberries, 0.25 cup

Bed 8
Chicken, 8 oz
Sweet Potato 8 oz
Almonds, 23 nuts
Asparagus 0.5 cup


Things not included and I could eat at random- Greek Yogurt, Apple & orange
I am eating. I wouldn't call it structured like 3J's diets; I mostly just ballpark it and eat as much and often as i can.

that's a sweet diet.
I am eating. I wouldn't call it structured like 3J's diets; I mostly just ballpark it and eat as much and often as i can.

that's a sweet diet.

Define eating and ball park?
Get myfitnesspal and track that shiz good or bad.
You'll learn realllll quick that your not eating.
Define eating and ball park?
Get myfitnesspal and track that shiz good or bad.
You'll learn realllll quick that your not eating.

I know I have to bulk so I'm eating more, especially foods with lots of protein like meat. Also, not to be a dick or anything, but there's a 3 year time difference between your pictures. One more thing, it's super unlikely for a person to gain 30 keepable pounds off Osta in 8 week.
Here and just because ill tell you my biggest mistake in the gym that set me back a year.
Thinking more is more and not leaving the ego at the door.
Osta will make you stronger but stay focused on building a body and not your ego.
I see you work out 4 days a week, just make sure what your doing is effective.
Again more isnt always more.
Learning to activate muscles will get you a lot father that tossing around weight just to say you toss around weight.
K thats my attempt at helping. Good luck.
I know I have to bulk so I'm eating more, especially foods with lots of protein like meat. Also, not to be a dick or anything, but there's a 3 year time difference between your pictures. One more thing, it's super unlikely for a person to gain 30 keepable pounds off Osta in 8 week.
That's true. But in a few osta / sarms cycles with in 6 months to a year is possible.
I went from 170-190 eating 3500caloriesnofnmostly garbage shakes and poop while doing p90x that's 90days.
I spent a year with my ego in the gym trying to break 200.
Left the ego at the door and 2 years later I'm floating 220 and still making dem gainz.
Here and just because ill tell you my biggest mistake in the gym that set me back a year.
Thinking more is more and not leaving the ego at the door.
Osta will make you stronger but stay focused on building a body and not your ego.
I see you work out 4 days a week, just make sure what your doing is effective.
Again more isnt always more.
Learning to activate muscles will get you a lot father that tossing around weight just to say you toss around weight.
K thats my attempt at helping. Good luck.

What do you mean? How did that set you back?

Personally, I like to use HIT and I almost always reach failure. It seems to have worked because even before osta I was making good fais. My triceps are rounder, I have a bit of underboob in the pecs, and there's nicer separation in my muscles.
What do you mean? How did that set you back?

Personally, I like to use HIT and I almost always reach failure. It seems to have worked because even before osta I was making good fais. My triceps are rounder, I have a bit of underboob in the pecs, and there's nicer separation in my muscles.

Ill use my favorite example that still makes me feel like a giant noob.
My first year in a gym I built what I thought was a decent squat of 315x4ish
Well little did I know I spent a year squating like a bitch... And had to pretty much relearn how to squat right with someone who knew how to correct me by telling me lighten up.
So now when I squat 315 well below parallel and have a hard time with 3sets of 8.
I think we'll I wasted over a year being retarded.
I can apply this to just about everyone one of my main lifts and I'm still learning and correcting things.

I'm only typing all of this because your young and diving into a world that can suck you in.
I'm not saying your making mistakes now, but try to stay conscience of everything you do.

Tracking you diet and work outs in this log would be a wonderful start.

Over and out.