Here it is boys, my first Cycle. [Osta log]

Day 5

Felt sluggish all day but that might be because of the weather. It's gloomy and overcast here.

I did back and biceps today. I achieved failure once again. I'm wondering if it's more beneficial to achieve failure or to get more reps?

Anyways, a guy at the gym helped me clean up my form on the lat pulldown and I learned some ways to warm up the muscles pre-workout. Beneficial day overall.
I suck so hard at pulldowns. LOL
Having the hardest time to keep my back straight.
Yes, I know, less weight... But if I go down in weight to the point were my form is perfect, I do way too many reps and don't feel my lat the next day at all...
I suck so hard at pulldowns. LOL
Having the hardest time to keep my back straight.
Yes, I know, less weight... But if I go down in weight to the point were my form is perfect, I do way too many reps and don't feel my lat the next day at all...

Aren't you supposed to bend backwards a little? Like stick your chest out a little and arc? But the torso should be moving as little as possible
Day 6
Maybe it's because I exercised them on Thursday and Friday but today my torso muscles look a lot fuller. Nothing else to report other than that. My libido has been up too but that could be whatever.

100%, my muscles from Thursdays and Fridays workouts are still swole.
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Day 7
Week 1 complete. No big changes thus far. No side effects either. I feel like i've gotten into a good rhythm with the ota, taking it first thing in the morning with relative ease. Anyways, can't wait for this shit to really kick in.
Week 2, Day 1

Very awesome workout. I saw some veins that I never knew I had. There was a point where I'd feel a burn, I'd finish the set, then I'd come back to it.... I expected to reach failure or achieve a massive pump but nothing happened. My muscles felt unconscious and I finished what would have been a super hard set with relative ease.

So Barnzy is running SS, I am running Unique and you are running Sarms1.
If only there was a way to objectively compare these... :/

So Barnzy is running SS, I am running Unique and you are running Sarms1.
If only there was a way to objectively compare these... :/

Still wouldn't account for individual body differences, training, eating, etc.

I've adjusted my diet quite a bit. Taking in a lot of liquid calories to try and gain some weight. I'm not anywhere near maxing out my frame so I'm not worried about gaining unnecessary fat. In regards to the taste, it really doesn't bother me anymore. I recommend squirting it on the back of your tongue rather than straight down your throat.
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Week 2, Day 4

Just did tris and chest. Had a fucked up workout and I don't know if it's in a good way. I tweaked my neck/shoulder on the right while doing chest dips. But other than that, I tried this thing where I do a small warm up, like 50% of my max, then 3 reps of near my max, then my real workout. Worked pretty well. I achieved failure by the time I got to tris.
Week 2, Day 5

Did biceps and back. Wasn't feeling good at all going to the gym. Might invest in something like taurine. Anyways I powered through it and had a very solid workout. By the end, it felt like my biceps were wrapped in nylon. I was sweating like a pig also. Nice vascularity.
Week 3, Day 1
Damn. Seeing some good results. Got out of the shower, looked at the mirror, and all my muscles looked nicer. My pecs have gotten bigger, my back muscles are more defined, my lats are more pronounced and I believed my arm muscles have grew. No side effects yet. However, I looked at my bottle and I'm about 35% done. I thought it would last 8 weeks but it looks like it might last 6 if i'm lucky.
Week 3, Day 2
I've decided to start using HCGen. The last 3 days or so I've felt like utter crap. I don't think it's shutdown because it's too early. More likely it's poor quality of sleep but I don't know why. As a result, I've felt less aggressiveness and motivation in the gym.
Alpha, if you're on Sarms1, watch out for the sides. The "underpublicized" sides. I ALWAYS felt irritable and suppressed on sarms1 products (even GW). I also wonder if you want to up your Osta dosage to 50. Makes a big difference.
Yeah noob its tough to differentiate results, 3 different people, im sure 3 different diets and training styles. That being said I have used mulitple companies and sarms1 made me feel like absolute shit, I had migraines daily as well as always being naseaus
I have felt irritated and sluggish this week. I haven't been sleeping well either. But to be fair, there's no way you can say it's the Osta.

Anyways, Week 3 Day 3, my friend told me he sees some chances. Says my arms have grew and my chest is more defined. I looked at the mirror and thought, yup, it has kicked in.