Hey friends gunna do AAS and hes 18. What to tell him?

3cccccc x6

New member
Hey guys. so my newly 18 year old buddy is gunna start a test cycle (idk what ester as he didnt tell me much) His argument was the same as mine was yet he is consiberably younger. "Alot of pros started young and have kids and live old" Any advice for him? I doubt i can stop him but i want him to do it as safly as possible and i just started aas so im still a newbbbb. What should I get him to do or how to tell him whats gunna screw him up? Thanks guys!!:)
I belive hes 179lbs
idk his height probably around 6ft as hes a lil shorter than me
and he started lifting 4 years ago with my brother
Idk his bf but hes pretty lean
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You bumped ur own thread 1 minute after you posted it... ?????????? Come on man.

Your body can still make tremendous gains naturally at that age. His natural test should be through the roof.

Tell him to learn how to eat first.
Not only is he too young.....he's far too small...gear isn't some magic drug. Without a good diet and knowledge of what he's using and how it's properly done, he'll end up worse off. Just pull up some studies and have him read them showing the positive vs. negative of starting so early.
Not only is he too young.....he's far too small...gear isn't some magic drug. Without a good diet and knowledge of what he's using and how it's properly done, he'll end up worse off. Just pull up some studies and have him read them showing the positive vs. negative of starting so early.

What he said...and you cant compare yourself to the "pros". That takes years of dedication. Their are many young cats who start juicing early simply because the pros did it why cant I. have you already competed? Do you plan on competing? Or is this just a hobby and a dream of become a ifbb pro. First win a local show. I enjoy my cycles and run and the changes of my physic but some days...I wish i stayed natty.
Dont get me wrong though, I love this shit!!!! But there are adverse long term effects, especially with the irresponsible youngster whos still 165 6ft and 15%bf. I started young dumb and spraying cum and haven't changed much...lol But as you get older, your body wont take the abuse it once did.
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"friend" english must not be you're first language because I think you meant "I, my, me, myself"

That's what I was getting at. I see these posts and I always think the OP will come back in a days time with a new username, and having aged 10 years and gained 50lb
My opinion might be different from most peoples but I say let him do it. Hear me out first though, if his moral values allow it and have no problem with gear use then go for it. Take it and get to where you want to go in life. Or at least try. If you or someone else stops him hes gonna say, you stopped me from my goals. Sometimes you have to do uncommon things to reach what you want. What you should do as a good friend is to tell him to educate himself on them and how to use them the safer way. If he wants to damage his body to get gains thats his decision and nobody else's.