hey guys rate my arm (dam 25 characters lol)

old bouncers trick, pretty accurately gauge how strong a guy is by thickness of his neck..

i see so many dudes with pencil necks in the weight room, looks funny

Hey g d it,

I resemble that remark. 3 reds for you.

OP...your arm s look awesome.

Any and evervything else was pos. crit. U look damn good !!!!!!
spending 24 yrs dedicated to a single sport will do certain things to your body.

i put almost an inch on my upper arms in 16 weeks.

i feel i could have done more with diet on point and properly dosed gear..

all the cardio soaked up a lot of the caloric surplus i was shooting for.

i hear you HW..

new weight training coach wants me limited to 45 minute of cardio twice a week..

going to be tough, I'm definitely addicted to the endorphins form doing high intensity cardio. fucking junkie

i had been boxing 1 to 2 hours 3- 5 times a week ...

with atleast two of those days strictly warm up and sparring.

sparring partner for fighters from a couple gyms, told them I was done in march. retiring

wihtout all that cardio, cal surplus will be there.

with 3j on top of things.. I'm stoked to see what my body will do

You're gonna blow the fuck up my man! All your calories will be used for building muscle instead of sustaining your energy levels and providing you stamina.
You're gonna blow the fuck up my man! All your calories will be used for building muscle instead of sustaining your energy levels and providing you stamina.

Thats what I'm hoping for brother! thanks

Hey g d it,

I resemble that remark. 3 reds for you.

hahhahhahaha!! somehow i seriously doubt that shit!!!

i have a fucking gorilla neck and never touched anything close to the weight you have lol