HGH for tendons and ligaments


New member
Hello everyone. I'm 35 years old wrestler and boxer. I also work out in the gym.
I have bought 50IU original Jintropin in order to be able to help out to my ligaments - I had a lot of traumas, particularly knee ACL rupture ( treated through plastic surgery but still not flexible enough ), shoulder dislocations ( untreated ) etc..
Please advise how shall I build the cycle, I want to stack it with Omnadren, Boldenon and may be Deca or Masteron ( all these AAS I have used in past for recovery or mass gaining )
Thank you in advance
Hello everyone. I'm 35 years old wrestler and boxer. I also work out in the gym.
I have bought 50IU original Jintropin in order to be able to help out to my ligaments - I had a lot of traumas, particularly knee ACL rupture ( treated through plastic surgery but still not flexible enough ), shoulder dislocations ( untreated ) etc..
Please advise how shall I build the cycle, I want to stack it with Omnadren, Boldenon and may be Deca or Masteron ( all these AAS I have used in past for recovery or mass gaining )
Thank you in advance

Without commenting on the AAS part of this post I just want to mention that for healing purposes you will need to run probably 4iu ed of the Jintropin. Since you have 50 iu you are looking at about 12 days worth of hgh. Might I suggest you look for Riptropins, elitropins to bring your cost way down and allow you to use gh in a manner that may actually expedite the healing process. The shoulder dislocation will not help with. Tendons and ligaments can however benefit from hgh use.

have you used AAS in the past and if so how many cycles?
You need like 300iu for it to even be worth using in my op!
YES I KNOW that is ALOT of money... Thats HGH

I rec 4-6iu ed (or atleast 5 on 2 off) for 4-8months
Thank you very much people.
I'll try 50IU for now, will see later if continue or not. It is original Jintropin from drugstore ( Ukraine ), I know it is better than other stuff, some people checked blood samples after usage of diff stuff and pharmacy Jin was the best..
I use AAS mostly for recovery and mental stuff not really gaining mass as I'm not very young and have a lot of traumas.
I have Deca, Stan, Omna, Bold, masteron at home. I know that Bold and Deca are very good for ligaments.
1)How shall I stack it with HGH?
2)What time of the day I sdhall use Growth?
3) Can I use Growth w\o insulin? ( I don't want to use insulin )
4) Shall I add other stuff to make the growth work better?
You need like 300iu for it to even be worth using in my op!
YES I KNOW that is ALOT of money... Thats HGH

I rec 4-6iu ed (or atleast 5 on 2 off) for 4-8months

I'm in agreement with JP on this one...

I tore my left bicep (partial tear) October of 2011...about 21 days before my contest. I started GH the day after it tore running 5 IU's of Primatopin for two months and have been doing 10 IU's per day since that point.

I felt a difference in my bicep exactly 14 days after...and yes I remember the exact moment. It is expensive..but GH is not considered the "fountain of youth" for nothing. IT WORKS !

Start supplementing your GH with some T-400 or Deca @ 500-750 mg's a week and you'll feel like a new man !!
Thank you all.
Is it better to inject HGH close to the affected joints or it doesn't matter? ( not intracapsular )
Thank you all.
Is it better to inject HGH close to the affected joints or it doesn't matter? ( not intracapsular )

I fired it right into my torn bicep...I didn't listen to the "mainstreamists"...

There are so many opinions on that...I dunno' what to tell you....I grew like futhermukker...