Increase skeletal muscle & collagen synthesis with certain AAS

thanks for this info. I hurt my shoulder abt 4 mos. ago, and laid off it for 3 mos..still w pain. After MRI they say arthrosis..wear and tear. Add to the girl is preggo--so my T has dropped. Im ready to get back in the gym, but have read this article over and over. Im thinking i need a bump of T...But I want to heal/regenerate any cartilage etc...and cut up a bit. So, thinking Test E @ 125 mgs/wk with EQ at a higher dose..maybe some Anavar (var). Ive considered running tren, but Im a little apprehensive of it. Any suggestions on how to heal/repair the cartilage while getting a bump? If I take tren instead of Test, my T wont be up...and if I dont take the T with the EQ the T will drop..right? Which or what is the better route ?
Do you think winstrol and test are a good stack for cutting and fat loss or is there somthing else or better. Little help
185 pounds
Bf 15%
Thanks for the post and thread. Can i do anavar by itself or should i stack it with test? Collagen synthesis not muscle mass would be my main goal, the only reason i'd want to stack with test are the potential effects of low test just being on anavar but id rather not spend the extra for test. Was thinking of doing 20 mg a day for 4 weeks just to try it while using nova and or arimidex plus d aspartic acid and vitamin D for pct.
This might be a dumb question.

But collagen makes you look younger right???

Are you saying steroids can affect aging and how you look? I know GH can effect how you look.
good post, and also good to know that things about deca eq and colagen.Also, i know that when u are in deca u must use more test than deca to avoid erectile disfunction problems.but as i see a 300 mg deca/week and 200 mg test/week it`s a good choice.But what will be the result?the same with 500 test/week and 400 deca/week?
Love this article soo much information and explanation and can relate since I tore both my rotator cuffs. Even though I may be able to blame AAS for my injury, I truly believe that it helped me recover. Now that I am about 90% better I now keep in mind to lift smart and know my capabilities. Eventhough muscle development is greater when u push out that last rep or set u must keep in mind that eventhough ur muscles can handle the load ur tendons and ligaments may not.
1st cycle for me, should I add deca for increasing skeletal muscle - I will be doing 500mg/weekly (250mg x2 week). What should my dosage be like for deca or EQ? I read a lot of reviews on steroid forums that EQ is shit for muscle development and a waste of time/money, and deca is better.

Looking for some helpful advice on adding Deca/EQ/Anavar for skeletal muscle onto my first Test-E cycle. I've been reading around and everyone says don't do deca or eq stacked with test for first cycle, but then I read this and its contradicting information.

thanks guys.
1st cycle for me, should I add deca for increasing skeletal muscle - I will be doing 500mg/weekly (250mg x2 week). What should my dosage be like for deca or EQ? I read a lot of reviews on steroid forums that EQ is shit for muscle development and a waste of time/money, and deca is better.

Looking for some helpful advice on adding Deca/EQ/Anavar for skeletal muscle onto my first Test-E cycle. I've been reading around and everyone says don't do deca or eq stacked with test for first cycle, but then I read this and its contradicting information.

thanks guys.

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids powerful steroid to increase muscle size and strength. Then Deca Durabolin is very potent as a muscles builder because it have ability to work around four level.
Hey guys. I'm Spencer. If anyone wants to get to know me. Private message me. I'm new to this site and this is my first post. Don't know where to start. Would be nice to have an advisor or something. Well hit me up! or not. I'm not sure how this website and its members operate. Would be nice though.