Increase skeletal muscle & collagen synthesis with certain AAS

Ah, thats a classic and one of my fav's!! Nice job SC!

You have provided very good information in details regarding how to increase skeletal muscle & collagen synthesis. This is truly innovative and insightful information. It is really very useful.
I was thinking of getting on an anabolic cycle. I am 6 foot 2, 200lbs, body fat at 17%. I am looking to bring my body fat down to 10% and increase muscle mass. My diet is on check cardio is good I play a lot of basketball and run here and there. What would be the best suggestion. I have been working out for just over 5 years now. Do I continue with diet? PM with any ideas of what I should take and maybe a good online source.
i have a weak lower back due to my disc injury, it was healed long ago. One of these AAS will help build stronger lower back with proper exercise and diet plus post cycle therapy (pct). thanks
I'm going to add some deca to my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) regiment for 16 weeks to see how my tendons respond. I'll follow the instructions in this sticky. I've torn both patella tendons and my triceps tendons are in rough shape. We'll see how much it helps.
I'm using 250mg test/week as my testoviron depot comes in single-use glass ampules of that amount.
A sticky says to use no more than 200mg to avoid affecting damaging connective tissue. So:
Can I load 2 syringes, use one (200mg) and put one capped in the fridge (with the excess 50mg) for use the next week?

I added 125 mg deca, the sticky says 219mg for my weight.
Will the increased joint/tendon/ligament strength from deca persist when I cycle off, or over time?

Many people take 400-500mg test/week.
Are they weakening their tendons/connective tissue?

Many divide their doses (as low as 250mg deca) into 3 injections/week.
Why not just one injection? I thought deca was very slow acting. Do most people divide deca weekly or is once a week fine?

Should test also be divided into 2 or 3 injections per week or is once a week fine?

I'm not a bodybuilder lifting heavy weights but want to work up to a specific level of weight & strength, get rid of some fat, and then maintain.
Should this affect the dose I use?
For example, bigger goals or bigger body size already: does it require bigger doses than a smaller guy: 160lb beginner (squat 200 but aiming for 280)?

Thanks guys, there is a lot of stuff to learn here.
Hey Guys, First POST!

I'm 25yrold Aussie!

I read StoneColdNTO post on Collagen synthesis of certain types of AAS. I've been reading for months now and it has been the most informative.

I'm a complete rookie to AAS and never thought to consider it an option until everything broke down around me.
Been a Personal trainer, Fighter, Extreme sport enthusiast for my whole life. The standard weak guy at the start of my life - Asthma, Anaphalaxia, Cealiac Diesease, Osgood Schlatter syndrome, Denied from the military due to cealiac diesease and the breaking point for me--

Bilateral shoulder surgery due to Downward lateral overgrowth of the acromion process causing full thickness tears of my supraspinatus tendons.

I have beat everything except the cealiac diesease but it has become dormant due to my strict diet.

I have had the first shoulder repaired ( 2months ago- Rehab now ) with two anchors holding the tendon back in place and sutured for the tear. My surgeon tells me there will always be weakness there with possible re-tearing later on in life. I'm still on the waiting list for my second shoulder.

I can't handle that, i want to be be fully repaired and stronger than ever so i can do everything i love and am passionate about, break records be something worthwhile! --- instead of a 25yrold guy back in his mum and dads home with no income or drive.

i started looking and have been taking the amino acid breakdowns of collagen- Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline( lysine and proline) and Arginine.
BUT of course the natural way, the body only takes what it needs.
AND I WANT TO BE stronger than i was before! Which has led me for the first time in my life to AAS.

I can see by far that GH is the best for dramatic increase in collagen syn, but NOT ironically decreasing collagen cross-linking integrity.
Equipoise @ 3 mg/kg will increase procollagen III by approximately 340% -- slightly better than deca.

Oxandrolone has over a hundred studies documenting its effectiveness at treating patients needing rapid increases in collagen syn to enhance healing.

I am only doing rehab so my MAIN FOCUS IS increase joint/tendon/ligament strength and repairing. Then later on go back to training.

I don't know where to go to talk to someone about cycling properly in Australia and so have gratefully found this forum.

Once again i am at my wits end and massively need some encouragement and help from some, who look to make someone stronger than before and looking at all options. Rather than people like my tunnel visioned negative surgeon and docters.

Hope you moderators and experienced users only can give me some advice.

@Maxgrowth - Have you thought about TB500? Might be something to look into if you've recently had surgery.
TB500 did nothing for me. After reading this and being plagued with injuries I am ready to give this a chance.

I have been told by a few that even a low dosage of Test alone will help recovery of minor issues such as tendinitis. Is this true if used at <200mg a week? My question is what part of the compound in Deca / EQ relates to the collagen synthesis?
Stone, what do you advise to those who are all about Test & Tren cycles?

sorry to jump in here, but with tren I suggest you have lots of clean shirts to change into regularly from excessive sweating, a place to hide when your temper flares, allowing you to go away before hurting someone. also, good movies to watch late at night, early morning while you suffer from insomnia. oh yeah, headache meds. my 2cnts. :)
TB500 did nothing for me. After reading this and being plagued with injuries I am ready to give this a chance.

I have been told by a few that even a low dosage of Test alone will help recovery of minor issues such as tendinitis. Is this true if used at <200mg a week? My question is what part of the compound in Deca / EQ relates to the collagen synthesis?

I would do low dose test with decent-high dose var IMO.