Hey Guys, First POST!
I'm 25yrold Aussie!
I read StoneColdNTO post on Collagen synthesis of certain types of AAS. I've been reading for months now and it has been the most informative.
I'm a complete rookie to AAS and never thought to consider it an option until everything broke down around me.
Been a Personal trainer, Fighter, Extreme sport enthusiast for my whole life. The standard weak guy at the start of my life - Asthma, Anaphalaxia, Cealiac Diesease, Osgood Schlatter syndrome, Denied from the military due to cealiac diesease and the breaking point for me--
Bilateral shoulder surgery due to Downward lateral overgrowth of the acromion process causing full thickness tears of my supraspinatus tendons.
I have beat everything except the cealiac diesease but it has become dormant due to my strict diet.
I have had the first shoulder repaired ( 2months ago- Rehab now ) with two anchors holding the tendon back in place and sutured for the tear. My surgeon tells me there will always be weakness there with possible re-tearing later on in life. I'm still on the waiting list for my second shoulder.
I can't handle that, i want to be be fully repaired and stronger than ever so i can do everything i love and am passionate about, break records be something worthwhile! --- instead of a 25yrold guy back in his mum and dads home with no income or drive.
i started looking and have been taking the amino acid breakdowns of collagen- Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline( lysine and proline) and Arginine.
BUT of course the natural way, the body only takes what it needs.
AND I WANT TO BE stronger than i was before! Which has led me for the first time in my life to AAS.
I can see by far that GH is the best for dramatic increase in collagen syn, but NOT ironically decreasing collagen cross-linking integrity.
Equipoise @ 3 mg/kg will increase procollagen III by approximately 340% -- slightly better than deca.
Oxandrolone has over a hundred studies documenting its effectiveness at treating patients needing rapid increases in collagen syn to enhance healing.
I am only doing rehab so my MAIN FOCUS IS increase joint/tendon/ligament strength and repairing. Then later on go back to training.
I don't know where to go to talk to someone about cycling properly in Australia and so have gratefully found this forum.
Once again i am at my wits end and massively need some encouragement and help from some, who look to make someone stronger than before and looking at all options. Rather than people like my tunnel visioned negative surgeon and docters.
Hope you moderators and experienced users only can give me some advice.