hgh make you sleepy?


funny when i took 2ius hgh soma about october for hrt.. i noticed i was very sleepy for bout 7 hours after shot like zombie...that normal and it happen to you?
I tried the blue cap hgh just for 100 IU's, (decided it was going to be to expensive to continue so i quit) but i noticed that a few hours after shot, for example around lunch time i would get extremley lethargic. to the point where i pretty much needed a nap. Was not positive it was hgh related though.
It does happen to allot of people.....for me it was in the morning hard to get out of bed sometimes if I was taking over 4iu a day. I liked it! Made for a good nights rest!
Try to look at it that way and not that it makes you tired, use it to get some good 8 hour sleep so you can grow and recover.
i've noticed the same thing - i get very sleepy about 4-5 hours after a shot. wonder if it has anything to do with gh making you more insulin resistant...

anyway, i do my shots just before going to bed. seems to make me sleep more soundly plus i read somewhere on here about how taking the shot before bedtime leads to less shutdown of natural gh production.
Yes - I know people who have the exact same symptoms. The guys who I know who take HGH (they are massive by the way) stack it with Sustanon and dbol. They believe that if you feel sleepy, you should sleep (eat a big meal first) and then enjoy every minute of the sleep you have (during which time your body is likely growing/recovering) and then after that, when you feel refreshed, go to the gym and blast it. So, don't feel bad about the sleep, but do make sure you have the time to actually take the sleep your body is telling you to take.

PS - I suspect that the many of the real big pros on test and HGH take 1-2 naps a day, esp when on HGH and training hard
Not sleepy after i had taken, but usually struggled to get up in the morning unsure wether that was down to hgh but after i was up i felt fine.
Im on HGH right now and honest to god I cannot get out of my bed in the mornings unless I have slept for 8 hours minimum. Like I literally will have meetings to get to and I will just sleep right through them. I take my shots right before bed so I think this might have something to do with it.

All in all though, HGH is the shit. I have not felt this good for years and although I need lots of sleep while on it, the sleeps that I do have are just fucking amazing.
The reason it makes you sleepy is it stimulates your liver to produce hormones that make you grow which in turn effects your pancreas which effects Insulin levels. Before bed, In the middle of the night or 1st thing am best times to take growth on a empty stomach.
BiggieSwolls said:
Im on HGH right now and honest to god I cannot get out of my bed in the mornings unless I have slept for 8 hours minimum. Like I literally will have meetings to get to and I will just sleep right through them. I take my shots right before bed so I think this might have something to do with it.

All in all though, HGH is the shit. I have not felt this good for years and although I need lots of sleep while on it, the sleeps that I do have are just fucking amazing.

Hey Biggie...what does are you using???
Didnt notice anything like that. But maybe it's cuz I'm drinking coffee 24/7 :goof: I do notice if I ever come off coffee that I just dont have the energy I'm used to.
I could never sleep during a cycle, which is really annoying. 12 week cycle : 12 weeks no sleep every single night. no exeption. Last cycle my gf ended up more often on the sofa then my bed, cos i move around so much.

luckily the amounts of test keep me fresh during the day, it is still no fun to be awake during the night. But now with HGH it seems i can get a good night rest.

no sleepy effect at 2IU's, they start at 4IU. one shot in the morning and one shot right before i go to sleep : magic. I never want to cycle without it anymore.
Take it post workout! It is best to do this IMO, as you tear your body up at the guy, and talking it right when you get finished it should help with recovery. Oh you guys that are getting really tired, I would think about adding a little bit of T-3 @ like 12.5mcgs