HGH questi9on... Is this a "brand" name or generic?


New member
been looking, to begin HGH,
I have been batling with going blue tops but I just dont know, I do know I cant afford real brand named stuff, but, this one I found is half way between blue tops and real stuff in price..
I found on a well known source with this brand below, and wanted to know if anyone has tried this brand or not?

Manufacturer: Hygene, China

I mean, has anyone had personal experience with blue tops where you dont have to double up doses. I trust our sponsors, but with the blue tops, its not thier product either. so anyone have any advice?
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Bump...I have no idea but hopefully someone helps. The fact that is coming from China is concerning enough on its own.
The only real Hygetropin site still in existence is .cn from Dr. Lin. Been using the yellow tops on and off for almost 5 years. Always excellent quality.

All other Hygetropin sites are either copies or scams.