
If it only keeps for ~4 days there is no point in ordering more unless you are really shooting that much.
I am starting to guestion if the life of the growth is as short as most say. What data are we going off of when saying it is only good reconstituted for 4 or 7 or 14 days? As is stands I use mine up within a week before reconstituting more, but only because I am playing it safe. I'd like to hear some facts.

the hgh of which we are speaking, according to the supplier, was shown to be stable upwards of 30+ days outside of recommended temp. parameters. There is a guy (einstien) on another board that has commented on the life of hgh. I think I've seen him post over here as well. Maybe he can add some info.

If it lasts at least 30 days the 100iu vial would be great.
i ge the jintropin, 100iu kits with 10iu per amp. at 10iu a day i do one amp a day. if, as some do, 5iu a day it only sits ion fridge one day. with the 18iu amps 4.5-9ius a day works. unless you ronnie coleman and doing two amps per day. 36iu.
ld50 they will say so on the box. Now if it is truly longer I'd love to see some guru-type explain it, I would not be using much myself so something like 10iu sounds crazy to someone like me.
10iu a day will give a solid build up of muscle and strength and lean you out. now it has to be stacked with something else. gh by itself is a fat burner and not much more. but stacked with test all I can say is wow. its just so damn expesive compared to other powders. dollar for dollar its not the best thing out there. tren is!!
Tren still costs about twice what prop does, in powder prop is even cheaper. I love tren but, I love prop as well, so I dunno if tren is best $ for $.
I agree Prop is good, but I quickly grow tired of injecting every day...

Never used Tren but I agree it is pretty expensive, and I am gettin it legaly!!! (Not showing off!)
