High Dose Test And Tren, Junk Not Working Right

so tren and deca can boost prolactin levels, if you arent prone to gyno or sides really at all would it still be a good idea to run prami while taking either of these? or just if you start having issues?
Prami definitely good. Always make me feel somewhat sick when I take it at .3 eod.

I have heard of people saying that Prami made them feel sick " nauseous ".

Now on another note as I described all the possible sides of High"E" you don't wait until you are falling off a roof before you tie off your safety rope. At some times we need or can wait before plugging in something but most beneficial to use AI's in this situation to have the help ahead instead of trying to reverse a side . Good luck

Oh as was pointed out... Blood Work, Blood work !! :dunno:
i take AI, this post really was for a friend, i do .25 adex ED and no sides, yes need to get some blood work soon tho, not arguing that. i take tren and deca sometimes so thats why i was asking about prami, i dont ever really have sides but curious about it.
High estradiol: Sex drive in the shitter and all the stuff Mike listed.
High prolactin: Boredom with sex, and difficult to even get/maintain an erection.

Combine the two, and it's no bueno! I get a kick out of guys that claim they don't need an AI on cycle, they clearly don't get bloods and wonder why things go downhill eventually.

Have your bud get an online blood test, who knows what's going on - but I am pretty sure he'll think twice about not needing an AI in the future. By the way, clomid will do NOTHING for his dick while suppressed, it will only keep him from getting gyno.

If he doesn't listen to the advice presented, it's his fault, and he can live with the consequences. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. The fact that YOU have to ask for him tells me he doesn't belong on AAS in the first place. ;)

My .02c :)
halfwit - thanks bud. this dude is kind of old school, doesnt actually know a whole lot, i dont know everything but i have done a shit ton of research and trying to school this mf. he said he never has taken AI because he "never needed it", i said yeah youve also never done blood work so you dont know what you need and our bodies change, hes about to be 40 now too so u cant go by what you did when you were 25 lol. im gonna get him on the right track and some knowledge about this shit..
thanks half.. i actually responded to this yesterday again but it didnt show up for some reason. hes kinda old school and im trying to bring him into this century with gear info lol.
i take AI, this post really was for a friend, i do .25 adex ED and no sides, yes need to get some blood work soon tho, not arguing that. i take tren and deca sometimes so thats why i was asking about prami, i dont ever really have sides but curious about it.

A friend???
Also my friend if no blood work you do not know "no sides" Just because you don't feel sides doesn't mean you are not producing sides. Side effects only show/ feel when they are just out f hand. IE: Gyno, just because it hasn't surfaced yet doesn't mean it isn't brewing and producing, just not enough for you to know yet. If this is the case with someone then they will be more susceptible to it next cycle.

Blood work ALWAYS if you want to know what is really going on, not just what shows. Do you wait to tie the rope off after you are falling and didn't know you were slipping? If you really want to know if you are having a good efficient cycle you monitor with the changes in the mirror, your progress in the gym and BLOOD work. Efficiency......... get the most of your endeavor.

PS: Sorry to be so late with my comment. My home Wi-Fi is down till next week guys. Thanks if you read this
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ive always gone with the "rule of thumb" of .5 adex eod, this time i started doing .25 ed, but i dont take 1500mg a week of test, maybe 1000, so im thinking he may want to run more. like 49 said, start out heavy to kind of try to counteract but then keep taking a normal dosage. what you guys suggest for 1500mg a week of test? ive never had any real sides so im doing HIS research for him LOL..

Exemestane is better AI than Adex IMO. He could be having prolactin issues as well... cabergoline.