Home Brew Question

Rob Scott

New member
I've had some problems with home brewed products going cloudy -- sometimes within an hour or two, sometimes days or weeks after they're made and filtered. Some of you on here suggested that water vapor is the problem; i.e., that water or vapor gets into the process at some point and ends up clouding the oil. I can see that this may be true.

But I just did some research on "cloud point" in oils, and learned that it often happens because heated oils may form tiny wax particles as they cool. Here is my question: Even though I start with "sterile oil," I usually heat it to about 100 degrees centigrade (212 F.) before mixing in the hormone and solvent mixture. I have been doing this to make double sure that the oil is sterile. Is that a mistake? Do you think if I just used the sterile oil without reheating it that it would solve my clouding problem? Am eager to hear opinions from some of you chemically knowledgable vets.

wondering were you went bro..thought you like disapered
There's no point heating the oil, unless you have the equipment to heat it properly its not going to help your sterility any more then the BA/filtering process does.
Heat the oil after the power and solvents have been added. Heat slowely until the hormone goes into solution, that is all the heat you'll need - no more. The less heat you use the less chance you will have cloudy gear.

Then again theres nothing wrong with cloudy gear anyways.
sean usmc said:
wondering were you went bro..thought you like disapered

Yo, Sean! I'm still alive, just had no time to visit the boards recently because of work load...

Dougoe, once again you're incredibly helpful. Thanks. I have sources for the common stuff I use, but occasionally experiment with blends or combos that are not offered commercially. And it's no fun when something crashes or goes wrong...
question if its just cloudy or has it really crashed

yeah had the same problem with my recent batch i made (test. cyp.)

it did not emulsify(harden up and turn waxy) but...then next day
it was just alittle cloudy early in the morning(when it was kinda really cold)...then in the afternoon it turned more clear.

is this normal or has my gear crashed?

and how can you tell if it crashed or not?