Home Gym


New member
Not sure if this is the best spot to post this, but didn't see any others. Looking at assembling a small home gym. Wantng a a half-rack, flat/incline bench and likely a 300lb weight set.

I've been going to the gym 4-5 times a week for the last 20 months. Seen some decent gains but not what I would of expected for the amount of effort I put in.

I've switched up my routine of late going with a lot of compound exercises instead of my normal dumbbell routine and it seems like I'm going to stick with working out for the long haul so going to invest in a small home gym for the days I can't make it to the gym.

Just looking at some opinions on equipment. Been doing some research of late.

Powertec workbench half-rack has caught my eye. Anyone own or can recommend a good half-rack at a decent price? Looking at body solid weights as well.. Any preferred sites for ordering, especially to Canada..

Well, after doing some reading and watching some videos I think I'll go with a full power rack. It seems like Powertec offers a quality unit for a good price. More interested in a decent bench now. Looking at Bowflex's 5.1 and a few made by body solid..Any opinions.
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If you're looking at home gyms, you're right on the money with that setup. A good addition might be a sled, like this one below. This one's from a British company, but I'm sure there'll be plenty USA companies doing them too, if that's where you're based.


As far as getting only size goes, standard gym setups will probably be better, but as far as explosive power goes, with cardio as an aside, few things beat these.
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