Homebrew Enanthate problem

"No benzol benzonate?"

Couldn't source it where i am from, seen recipes that seemed to work without it

"Did you melt the powder and BA clear before adding the oil?"

i did not do this, could this be the problem? every tutorial i have read has not said to do this - anyway to rescue this after not doing it?

View attachment 549779

this is my enanthate which is marked as "sodium n-dodecyl sulfate" i assumed for shipping reasons
You don't need BB, but it helps. You need to heat it get the test suspended in the oil till its clear bro. Do some more research. Did you even filter it?

I have done a lot of research, i heated the solution but after a while it seemed to not get any clearer (maybe my impatience), does my Test-E look legit? i filtered with a .45 whatman.

Would baking the vials fix this? is this what a crashed vial looks like?
Make sure your powder is legit first. Its hard to mess up making test e. Very simple an basically idiot proof..
Make sure your powder is legit first. Its hard to mess up making test e. Very simple an basically idiot proof..

i know, thats what i thought, as i said, i am not using any BB which i think may have contributed to the problem - the solution in the vials looks very thick.

I emptied the vials, added another 1% BA, to make 3% BA, heated, then filtered again then baked at 120C for 15 minutes,

it looks clearer, in fact, when in the oven it is completely clear but when it cools, it starts to go milky again and thickens up.

The actual powder is like wax, see pics above, very strong pine/fruity odour and melts easily in-between fingers.

Should i just chuck this out View attachment 549806
it looks clearer, in fact, when in the oven it is completely clear but when it cools, it starts to go milky again and thickens up.

It seems like the cloudiness is due to the high concentration and cooling of the oil, that's all. When it was hotter (in the oven), it cleared out.
If you have legit test E and BA then you should look at buying a different brand GSO..... or USP quality if possible.
My guess would be that you've got way too much enan in there, I have made 250mg/ml without anything but enth and oil. . from the sounds of it you have real enth as all the qualities you said sound right. If you want to make sure your scale is right just zero it with an empty syringe on it and fill it with 3ml of water, 3ml of water should weigh 3 grams (at sea level)

Also something else that can make it cloudy is if you get moisture in there, this can happen if humidity is high in the air you add to the bottle, once warm the water evaporates into the air again, but when it cools it condenses and can make the oil cloudy.
It sounds to me that you do have legit test e. The next thing I would check would be your gpo. That sounds like its the problem..