Homebrew Question


New member
This is my first post ever on a bodybuilding site (given that you can find any question you have by grazing through various boards). Just for you flamers out there I have made shit in the past (at proper dosage or small increases like prop at 115mg/ml or cyp at 250 mg/ml). So given the previous statements I am having a tough time tracking down anyone that has brewed Test Phenylpropionate aka Testolent. Giving its properties...steroid.com/Testolent.php....Do you think it can be brewed at 200mg/ml (without crippling me) The regular prop i made at 115mg/mL doesnt hurt at all. My whole thought is the longer ester in Phenylpropionate might allow it to be stable at 200mg/ml and still not have a lot of pain associated with it but still not bloat like cyp and e. Also i know people use EO to achieve higher doses but I can not use EO so that is out of the equation.

i was thinking...
3%BA and 12%BB but I am all over about what %BB to use because you hear so many different opinions (i know BB% is typically associated with what ester you are using and typically is increased for shorter acting esters just not sure here what % is needed)
This is my first post ever on a bodybuilding site (given that you can find any question you have by grazing through various boards). Just for you flamers out there I have made shit in the past (at proper dosage or small increases like prop at 115mg/ml or cyp at 250 mg/ml). So given the previous statements I am having a tough time tracking down anyone that has brewed Test Phenylpropionate aka Testolent. Giving its properties...steroid.com/Testolent.php....Do you think it can be brewed at 200mg/ml (without crippling me) The regular prop i made at 115mg/mL doesnt hurt at all. My whole thought is the longer ester in Phenylpropionate might allow it to be stable at 200mg/ml and still not have a lot of pain associated with it but still not bloat like cyp and e. Also i know people use EO to achieve higher doses but I can not use EO so that is out of the equation.

i was thinking...
3%BA and 12%BB but I am all over about what %BB to use because you hear so many different opinions (i know BB% is typically associated with what ester you are using and typically is increased for shorter acting esters just not sure here what % is needed)

Well if your goal is painless gear, 3%ba isn't going to help any. 2% is really universal.