Hop back on the clen train...

How does the taurine stack w/ the clen? i went to look up the wiki but it was a bit over my head all chemical interaction and make up shite.
clen will make you cramp up..the taurine will negate the cramps
im guessing 30mL at 200mcg/mL could be used on a 150-200lb primate at about 2ml a day disoveld in water? for 2 weeks? if reaserch were to be done?
TheIrish said:
im guessing 30mL at 200mcg/mL could be used on a 150-200lb primate at about 2ml a day disoveld in water? for 2 weeks? if reaserch were to be done?
i would think starting at 200mcg is a little can some one let me know on this
starting at 200mcg is ludricrus!!!!

you should start around 40mcg and taper up to 120mcg a day
Thanks! i had assumed that a 30ml bottle that was stated as being 200mcg/mL was ment for a 30day or 15 day rotation, thanks for the correction!!!

but damned measureing out 0.2ml for accuracy will be hard eh?
jarbulldog said:
i think it would last a longer then 30 days

i agree i was not sure as to the proper dosage thank you very much for the quick help on that but at such a high concentration how do you accuratly take out the right amount 0.2 ml (to get 40mcg) would be i would guess dificult to get right?
i think i've heard 10 pumps equals 1ml...so that would be two pumps
AHHHH the pumps are low, ok sorry for all the confusion and hubub, but you know reseach chems dont exactly come with instructions.
TheIrish said:
AHHHH the pumps are low, ok sorry for all the confusion and hubub, but you know reseach chems dont exactly come with instructions.

Or, if you had to, you could use a slin pin...it accurately measures .02ml
Aczech said:
Or, if you had to, you could use a slin pin...it accurately measures .02ml

right but i am right that this should be diluted in water and administerd oraly correct?
I contracted chronic atrial fibrillation from 150mcg(tapered up to that dose over the course of 4weeks) clenbuterol. Luckily they could restore my heart into sinus rythm with a defibrillator but I will never touch that shit again. I guess im one of those negative responders...