Horrible Hip / Glute and Leg pain after Injection


New member
I did a hip injection with a 1.5' needle. It was 2ML of Test Prop and 1ML of Tren Ace. I did this injection, if I remember correctly about 3 days ago..

Almost immediately after I noticed severe pain and swelling. It was also difficult to walk and painful to sit. The area wasn't hot too touch, wasn't itchy and there wasn't any discomfort like that.

I rested and the next day it was almost completely fine!

Fast forward to Today... I stretched out my Glute where the injection was...I'm in agony brothers. I can't walk and the area is swollen and there is pain in my hip / glute and all the way down my leg and into my calf..

I'm positive this has happened to most if not all of you.

Any advice would be appreciate. I'm assuming because of the fact that it was almost entirely healed up until today when I stretched it out, there isn't anything to worry about and It should be getting back to normal with a few days?
Why would you send me this in a PM if you are going to post it in a thread?

Name the muscle you injected. Or post a picture.
Ventroglute. It's not my first injection nor is it my first injection on that spot. Pain and discomfort is worse today.

Oh well, fuck it. All part of the game.
i know its supposed to be a painless injection spot.. but there is so much room for error i dont know why people even bother.. keep it simple
I shoot both my shoulders as well.. it`s swollen big time. Applying heat and resting it. Fucking sucks that I can't train and walk properly.

I'm thinking it's the Prop but I'm not sure if it's the injection site itself. I hope the swelling and inflammation starts going down soon.
It's been a week, possibly a day or two more. I can't remember exactly.. The pain is still there. I can walk around fine, I've been training, etc. Now, when I try to massage it or stretch it, the pain is intense . There isn't any infection of any kind..

My question to you brothers is this.. What the fuck is going on?! Like could this take another week or two for the oil to absorb in my body?