How bout this cycle??


New member
I was considering oing these two but I don't know what dose I should take the whinny v at.

Week 1-4 500mg Sustanon
Week 5-9 Winstrol V

I have a 50ml bottle so how should I break it up?

First off......Welcome to Steroidology !!

Secondly.....Sust should be run a minimium of 8 weeks, because of the long acting esters in it.

Lastly......before we can help you any more, we are going to need your stats; age, weight, height, lifting experience, cycle history, goals, ets.
exactly! that test will do not a damn thing unless you run it for at least 8 weeks. i would run it 10 weeks. Winstrol (winny) looks ok.

oh... I have been lifting for five years I would like to gain 15-20lbs on the sust and then cut it up with the winny.

This will be my first cycle.

For a first cycle, I always recommend Test Enanthate or Cypionate @ 400-500 mg/wk for 8-10 weeks. If you already have the Sustanon (sust), then go with that for the same duration.

Also, for a first time, there's really no need to throw in the Winstrol (winny), you will make nice gains without it. For a 8-10 week cycle, you can't bulk and cut at the same time, just too short a time frame. What you can do however, is eat clean, therefore putting on mostly lean mass to your frame.

Do you know about Nolvadex, Anti -E's and Clomid ??
if you havent allready gotten the sust , go with test cyp or eth instead for 10-12 weeks at 400-500 mg , make sure you have clomid or nolvadex for post cycle therapy if you insist on adding winnie start 2 weeks prior to the last shot and run 4 weeks start clomid/nolvadex the day after winnie ends
StoneColdNTO said:
LOL.....I know......I used that extra year I have on you to improve my typing skills.
you been peaking at the profiles havent you :D , but i look at least 10 years younger ;)
Firt off I don't know about clomid or Nova heard but not sure what to take. So if I drop the whinny should i go something like this.....

week1: 250

How will that work?
muscletospare74 said:
Firt off I don't know about clomid or Nova heard but not sure what to take. So if I drop the whinny should i go something like this.....

week1: 250

How will that work? need to taper the first and last week, just run at 500 all the way.

Get some Nolvadex & Clomid BEFORE you start your cycle !!

Nolvadex is in case you start to develop any gyno symptoms. If you do take 40 mg a day until symptoms subside, usually a few days, then continue to take 20 mg/day for the duration of your cycle.

Clomid is for post cycle recovery, start 3 weeks after your last Sust shot, as follows;
day 1 - 300 mg
day 2-11 - 100 mg/day
day 12-21 50 mg/day
That would be 36 - 50 mg tabs or equivalent amount in liquid.

here is a good read on Clomid;
Wow...just noticed this forum was here...go is good on the cycle, you could run some proviron in addition to nolva or in place of it, correct? ..i like to run proviron at 25-50mg daily throughout my cycles..i am not prone to gyno apparently, so i can get away with the proviron only and helps keep the bloat down as well as it makes my muscles feel harder then when i ran without it...drinking a ton of water helps also..

run 500 mg's all the way through. like stonecold said, no need to taper the doses. 10 weeks, 500mg's-"you're good to grow!"
