How does being on a cycle feel for you?

This was a great article, I learned alot from it. I got uour private messages to. How did you end up sending it because im having trouble sending them
This is the stuff I love to read!! I'll be honest, I'm not too thrilled with the prospect of stabbing myself in my virgin ass at least 7 times or so before I even feel the effects. Although it is reassuring to hear vets to get all dope fiendish over the process, I mean if dudes are getting excited over their eod test prop shots, it can't be too bad.
I like being ON Cycle and catching myself looking at some 5 or 6 I'd otherwise never give another look, then I get sick and swear I'll never take these things again.......until next time.
This is the stuff I love to read!! I'll be honest, I'm not too thrilled with the prospect of stabbing myself in my virgin ass at least 7 times or so before I even feel the effects. Although it is reassuring to hear vets to get all dope fiendish over the process, I mean if dudes are getting excited over their eod test prop shots, it can't be too bad.

Dude I used to be terrified of needles. Would faint anytime I saw one being administered. Now I get excited just from looking at a syringe haha. My advice if you want to be bigger than naturally possible, you're gonna have to suck it up. There was never a thought in my mind before I started using where I wondered "if" I should use. If you're serious, do your hw on here and anywhere else. I joined in 09 but have just recently started contributing towards the forums bc I feel I now have the knowledge to contribute on some subjects. I've been reading on gear since I was in high school and didn't start til I was 23, so do your hw and take your time and then enjoy the benefits.
Dude I used to be terrified of needles. Would faint anytime I saw one being administered. Now I get excited just from looking at a syringe haha. My advice if you want to be bigger than naturally possible, you're gonna have to suck it up. There was never a thought in my mind before I started using where I wondered "if" I should use. If you're serious, do your hw on here and anywhere else. I joined in 09 but have just recently started contributing towards the forums bc I feel I now have the knowledge to contribute on some subjects. I've been reading on gear since I was in high school and didn't start til I was 23, so do your hw and take your time and then enjoy the benefits.

Totally get what you're saying, bro. My fear isn't getting pinned, it's what could go wrong after. That being said I've got this vision of myself locked in the bathroom for a few hours before I strike up the nerve to do my first pin. But really, what's a needle?? It doesn't hurt too much at the doc/dentist, getting ink is no sweat...wish I never saw pics of abscesses/infections. I guess what gets me is having to pin test e/c a number of times before you'll even feel it working, hopefully doesn't go too rough on my virgin muscles

I feel like I've done adequate research on the subject and I plan remaining on these boards to further my education. I put in some research about a year ago and decided to hold off for another year, I even gave this stuff some consideration in the late 90's. Don't worry, before I get to the actual pinning I plan devouring all the material I can find regarding the actual injection process.

Ps cute pup, they're so much fun to play/wrestle with!!
I actually had a couple friends do it the first few times bc I couldn't do it myself. But when they started to become unreliable I had to man up and do it myself. I've never gotten an infection from pinning, just make sure everything is sterile and don't move the syrige too much while in there and you're golden. Also aspirate before injecting. But I'm sure you know all this. Injecting nice in slow is another pointer in avoiding abseces.
Love this post, thanks Cyborg for the insight... Starting my first cycle in a couple weeks and this just feeds the excitement!