How does this steroid cycle look?


New member
This is going to be my second cycle. My stats are 5'10, 205 lbs, and about 15%BF.

Week 1-12 600mgs of Test E
Week 1-11 500mgs of Equipose
Week 1-5 60mgs of Tbol
Week 3-12 .5mg of Arimedex EOD
Week 3-12 250iu of HCG every 4th day

Week 1-2 40 mgs of Nolva
Week 2-5 20 mgs of Nolva
Week 1-4 25mgs of Aromasin

Any thoughts, should I change any dosages or should anything be added or removed? I was thinking of running the EQ for ten weeks at 600 mgs a week.
well i have never ran EQ-but i almost did-i did a lot of research and found that lowest recommended dosage was 600mg a week-and most like it at 800mg

i would stretch it out a little if i was gonna run EQ

like test 1-16
EQ 1-15

everytihng else looks good-and you could run it the way you have it-just heard a lot of people say run EQ long and strong
run the EQ for the 12 weeks at 600mg and the test for 14weeks.

what was the first cycle?
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You may need the aromasin during post cycle therapy (pct) depending on estrogen levels.It also helps stimulate LH production along with your serm I'd run it at 12.5 ED though.

Actually I'd drop the A-dex and just run aromasin the entire cycle to control estro.

I'd also stretch it out like newbie said...
Thanks for the replies, I have enough Test and EQ to run the EQ for 13 weeks at 600 mgs and Test for 15 weeks at 600 mgs. Ythrashin, I only have enough Aromasin to run for my post cycle therapy (pct) since its a little pricey. Should I drop the adex all together or run it since I don't have enough Aromasin and why?

Cyto, my first cycle was 12 weeks of test e 500mg/week and Deca for 10 weeks at 400mg/week with a kickstart of dbol at 50mg for the first 4 weeks.
Looks well planned. EQ is a dodgy steroid in that most dont like it while others swear by it. Only one way to find out. Agreed that EQ should be run @ least 12 weeks solid.
Looks well planned. EQ is a dodgy steroid in that most dont like it while others swear by it. Only one way to find out. Agreed that EQ should be run @ least 12 weeks solid.

I agree with outlawtas, to get the most out of EQ, it needs to be ran at least 18 weeks with a minimum dosage of 800mgs/week. This has been my observation with EQ over the years and it's a good compound to me.:devil2:
This has been my observation with EQ over the years and it's a good compound to me.:devil2:

Biggin honestly, has there been a compound that hasn't been good to you?????? LMAO...JK

I would go with clomid over the Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) IMO
Biggin honestly, has there been a compound that hasn't been good to you?????? LMAO...JK

I would go with clomid over the Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) IMO

Only compound I don't care for is Winstrol (winny), other than that, I've had good results with alot of em.
Thanks a lot for all the great info, was I better off with Deca than the EQ. I mean its a little late because I already have it, but that way I'll know for next time.
Thanks a lot for all the great info, was I better off with Deca than the EQ. I mean its a little late because I already have it, but that way I'll know for next time.

Your cycle looks good. It depends what your goals are for whether you should use Deca or EQ. Are you trying to cut, big-time bulk, or just a lean mass cycle? The cycle you currently have now is pretty much a lean mass/bulk cycle. It will add some very nice quality, lean mass to your physique. It should shred you up pretty good too depending on how clean your diet is.
Thanks a lot for all the great info, was I better off with Deca than the EQ. I mean its a little late because I already have it, but that way I'll know for next time.

1st cycle looks cool.
you just need to try this cycle to see how you like it. run the EQ min 12 weeks at 600-800mg. in order to get the full benifits from it i understand that it needs to be run 12+ weeks. i've not used it yet but i intend too. i'm just giving you the info i've been reading. take the plunge pin it do it yeah yeah do it.:hahano:
Workout, that's leanmass/bulk cycle is pretty much what I'm going for in terms of cycle. I don't want the bloat I got on my first cycle. My diet is very clean, I'm following Leanmeout's Bulking Primer off the sticky to the letter. I only use very lean meats and fish. What do you think about that diet?

Cyto, are you saying I should run 800mg of EQ while running 600mg of Test? I though there needed to be a balance. I know Deca shouldn't be run at a higher dosage than test, does that not apply to EQ. What would be the difference in benefits for using EQ at 800mg for 12 weeks vs at 600mg for 13 weeks?
Test and eq was the best cycle I did by far. You should try to run it 15-16 weeks though. Tbol was awsome too.
I ran 500mg test and 600 eq
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Thats's a lot of test, do the benefits from taking that much test and eq really outweigh the added risks for sides?