How long after last injection to start Nolva PCT?


New member
Just to clarify, how long after my last Deca injection to begin my Nolva for PCT?

Planning on doing 40 mg for days 1-14, and 20 mg for days 15-28.

My question... what does "Day #1" correspond to in terms of how long after my last injection. I though you were supposed to wait several weeks after last injection, but I cannot find anything in my searches (yes, I honestly tried.)

Thank you.
21 to 25 days from last shot of deca, you can start post cycle therapy (pct).

I would highly recomend HCG for the next 2 weeks at 500ius ED. Your testicles are probably very small and will need a kick start to bring them back. IF you are only going to rely on the N-dex for post cycle therapy (pct), I think you will not recover properly.
Already on HCG during/throughout cycle... thanks for the thought though :)

So about 3 weeks after last inj. for the Nolva? Is that the common consensus?
Taking the advantage, stone or TX, when do you recomend the use of hCG??

Today it has been recomended to use during all a strong androgenic cycle, how? 500 IU two days a week? is it enough?

And about after the cycle, how do you recomend to use??before clomid??

Tamoxifen really avoid dessansibilization? How to use tamoxifen for this purpose?
