How long does enanthate show up in your body? Because I might be drug tested.


New member
I took my last inject last week. How long does enanthate stay in your system? I am guesing not that long since it is not supressive like deca( which takes like 18 months).
Detection times for AAS

Boldenone Undecyclenate 4-5 months
Clen 4-5 Days
Ephedrin 6-10 Days
Halo 2 months
Proviron 5 weeks
D-Bol 5 weeks
Methamphetamin 6-10 Days
Primo Depot 4-5 weeks
Deca 18 months
Nandrolon Phenylprop 12 months
Anavar 3 weeks
Anadrol 2 months
Winny oral 3 weeks
Winny inj 2 months
Test cyp 3 months
Test enat 3 months
Sustanon 3 months
Test Prop 2-3 weeks
Andriol 1 week
Tremolon Acet 4-5 weeks
Test supspenison No metabolites. t/e should
be back to normal in days.

Factors which influence the detection times:
Fluid intake
Tolerance to the drug
Frequency of intake
Duration of intake
Body fat
Potency of drug
I could be wrong but I think test enthanate is one of those drugs that they can't do anything about. Tell them you have a pituitary tumor. It's stays in the system about 10 days .Some people have plenty ,while other people don't . I think don't sweat it.
I want to know what occupation he is in, because most Jobs will not test for Anabolic Steroids. All steroid test done in the US are done at UCLA medical and cost upwords of 1K dollars so if your applying at a regular job then you more than likely have no chance in hell of getting tested for anabolics. I dont know how many people that I know that work at regular ass jobs that sweat over a drugtest, all they test for are rec drugs. Alot cheaper test!
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Popichulo said:
I want to know what occupation he is in, because most Jobs will not test for Anabolic Steroids. All steroid test done in the US are done at UCLA medical and cost upwords of 1K dollars so if your applying at a regular job then you more than likely have no chance in hell of getting tested for anabolics. I dont know how many people that work at regular ass jobs that sweat over a drugtest, all they test for are rec drugs. Alot cheaper test!

I have been working at this job for about 2 years now at a video game store(sorry I'm not going to say what store it is for you narcs out there), anyway, my store manager got fired yesterday and my asstant manager is a snot and really bitchy. I happened to lose my focus at times(even before cycliing) and she say its because of those steriods your taking and I said that I have been working out hard and eating a lot and lack. She won't believe me. I think she is just trying to find a way to get rid of me , so her boyfriend can work there again. What a fucking bitch!:mad:
And even if they do they have to test for specific gear types there isnt a test that just says "here is what hes on" ex. if your on Stanozolol (winstrol) and they dont test for that then it wont show.
No way a video store is going to test for gear. I don't know of any job that test for gear. Police departments dont even test for gear unless they have a good reason to. Most of my friends are cops and they get random tested all the time , but only for narcotics.
Micro said:
No way a video store is going to test for gear. I don't know of any job that test for gear. Police departments dont even test for gear unless they have a good reason to. Most of my friends are cops and they get random tested all the time , but only for narcotics.

OH and I dont know of a single job that would test to see if you have been injesting toxic Dyes (DNP) or a pesticide (DNP)
She already told me today a in front everone I work with that I am going to be tested.

I thought enathate does only has an ester of 2 weeks in the blood?

Corect me if I'm wrong.
Samurai said:
She already told me today a in front everone I work with that I am going to be tested.

I thought enathate does only has an ester of 2 weeks in the blood?

Corect me if I'm wrong.
ask her if shes ever heard of a harrasment lawsuit . talking that shit up in front of everyone is harrasment not job related .