How long does HGH keep you shut down


Community Veteran
I've been reading 6, 12 and 24 hours. Injecting HGH will shut you down for one of these time. Now if it's 24, then I understand why you would go 5 on 2 off, so your natural HGH can recover.

If it's 12 then morning injection would be best, so you could still have your night time surge of HGH.

If it's 6 the you could do morning and after noon injection and still be able to have your night time surge of HGH.

I'm getting ready to do HGH @ 2iu 5 on 2 off for 4 months and 4 months ed.

After all that, would 2 injections 1 upon raising and 1 after noon injection or one 2 iu injection upon raising. Now these will depend on the shut down time of HGH.


I have never heard of GH shutting down your pituitary from producing GH.

I could be wrong, but email SuperGirl or IronMaster!
im not an expert by any means but i do believe that taking GH at times of natural production will disrupt it. i believe i read ironmaster was saying you should take it at times other than bed to also take advantage of your natural production
yeahhis reasoning was that GH only disrupts it for a few hrs so if you took 2 shots daily in the AM and then in the afternoon, then at night and after training your body will still be able to produce its own natural without any disruption so you get the benefits of the synthetic and natural GH

hope that helps

im sure if iron master is around he will reply
From what I have learned here from our members is.....

GH will shut you down for around 12 does not start working right after the injection. I believe it takes anywhere from 2-3 hours. The proper way of taking it would be a.m and p.m...right before bed time....Your natural GH spur occurs in your rem sleep and lasts about 1-2 if you’re injecting right before bed time you will be able to take advantage of your natural GH and then your injected GH. For this to work it's important that the injection is taken right before bed time............and the 5 on 2 off...I think that is just due to the GH being so expensive......

hhajdo and others can shine some light on this subject.
JohnnyB said:
I've been reading 6, 12 and 24 hours. Injecting HGH will shut you down for one of these time. Now if it's 24, then I understand why you would go 5 on 2 off, so your natural HGH can recover.

If it's 12 then morning injection would be best, so you could still have your night time surge of HGH.

If it's 6 the you could do morning and after noon injection and still be able to have your night time surge of HGH.

I'm getting ready to do HGH @ 2iu 5 on 2 off for 4 months and 4 months ed.

After all that, would 2 injections 1 upon raising and 1 after noon injection or one 2 iu injection upon raising. Now these will depend on the shut down time of HGH.



That's news to me. I'm not saying it isn't so but where did you read that?
Re: Re: How long does HGH keep you shut down

Juice Authority said:
That's news to me. I'm not saying it isn't so but where did you read that?
Damn Bro, your going to make me remember:( I've been read alot lately

Re: Re: Re: How long does HGH keep you shut down

JohnnyB said:
Damn Bro, your going to make me remember:( I've been read alot lately


Please don't take that the wrong way. I am interested in reading the article that says GH shuts you down since I haven't heard that before.
GH does shut your natural spur of GH down for about 12 hours...It's all in the thread w/ ironmaster and supergirl
This link is amazing....Nandi and Ironmaster combining their immence knowledge of GH. MokeyBone, was just asking the right questions!!

This link is amazing....Nandi and Ironmaster combining their immence knowledge of GH. MokeyBone, was just asking the right questions!!


I know, I gave you that link so you could show GY and Supergirl that you were right in your position on slin being necessary for growth when you're taking GH.
Juice Authority said:
I know, I gave you that link so you could show GY and Supergirl that you were right in your position on slin being necessary for growth when you're taking GH.

JA...why do you find it neccessary to always tell people how you did this or already posted that...Relax!

What are you trying to prove. Dont you think I read that post when I was on EF. Dont you think I have had lengthy emails with IM and SG??

You act as if I just start learning abotu this shit.

Stop acting like a know-it-all and just post your knowledge...Or just go back to EF with all the rest of the know-it-alls.

I mean no dis-respect, but it seems that almost every post you make, you are correcting someone, or telling us how you already posted this thread, or made this point somewhere else....
Juice Authority said:
I know, I gave you that link so you could show GY and Supergirl that you were right in your position on slin being necessary for growth when you're taking GH.

OMG.. JA.. you used to be on my good persons list :rolleyes:

GH is NOT necessary.. but it helps!!! I still managed to put on some nice lean muscle while on gh and anavar withOUT gh.. Lawnsaver was not incorrect, but i just get paranoid that some stupid newbie is gonna shoot himself full of insulin, slip into a coma and never wake up.. So my point (which i explained to lawnsaver who i happen to have the highest respect and luv for) was that slin is NOT necessary and its prescription should be a tad more conservative...

But anyway... that is not the point of this thread at all...

that is the link where we discuss gh timing, delay, shutdown etc..

Remember, there is a delay when you take the shot.. about a 3-4hour delay, so with that in mind, bedtime and morning shots are plausible to still get natural release... (as long as you fall asleep prior to the 3rd hour after your shot) LOL

But here is a thought about consistency in levels.. If Johnny you were to do 1iu at say 6am... around noon, you would be at the half life of gh, so 1iu at noon would then shoot levels back up.. meaning as gh is starting it's decline, you do another shot to get them back up.. basically keeping them peaked at all times.. but this idea would therefore mean a shot about every 6 hours ( a minimum of 4ius a day)

I do NOT know how efficient it would be, it is just a theory and a thought...

BUT.. the bedtime shot, then an am shot according to all our research and experience, should work well... :)

luv super
This was discussed before...

Exogenous 20K Growth Hormone (GH) Suppresses Endogenous 22K GH Secretion in Normal Men

After ACUTE GH administration, exo GH had little impact on endo GH during the first 6 hours, the max. suppression was noticed from 6-12 hours after GH administration and after 12 hours it began to decline in this study...