How long is only 50mg of deca durabolin in system?

a - about six months

b - they don't test for androgens, only pot, narcotics, etc
Nervous as Hell.

Yes, Deca-ONLY. I have never done any type of drugs. I'm just into working out.
And I was going to try 50mg per week. All sites I have visited suggest for male around 200-400 mg per week. I just not that brave YET!
don't waste your time with 50mg a week. MIN 300mg deca a week and that's just the minimum
Wow! I really appreciate your responses. This site seems to be very strict. If not I would give you my personnel email address you seem to be very knowledge.
fatA said:
Wow! I really appreciate your responses. This site seems to be very strict. If not I would give you my personnel email address you seem to be very knowledge.

just ask questions on the site and i'm sure you'll get answers
president_fad said:
dont be a dumbass and do deca only. unless you dont want the use of your dick.
What "president_fad" was actually trying to say is...."Everyone responds differently to drugs. But in most cases if you do not take testosterone along with Deca, you may lose your sex drive. Also, the suggested dose you read on the internet is the minimum to take. 50mg will not do anything at all."
president_fad said:
dont be a dumbass and do deca only. unless you dont want the use of your dick.

This "loss of libido or erectile dysfunction" as some experience from Deca is countered by running this compound with testosterone. Some people can run deca without dick problems. I can.
DocJ said:
Nandrolone metabolites can show for up to 12 months.

Actually its 18 months :bawling:

Nandrolone with a decanoate ester is fairly long acting (10 carbons) to begin with and if on top of that a lot of the drug can be de- and re-esterified that means the substance stays active in the body for quite a long time. This has resulted in positive drug tests for the hormone nandrolone and many of its metabolites, most notably 19-Norandrosterone up to 18 months after last use of the drug. While this is a fairly known fact, the recent number of athletes (including well known soccer stars) that have tested positive for nandrolone would indicate a lot of misinformation or plain lack of information in some circles. Positive tests, with reprimands, that could have easily been avoided. So anyone subject to any form of athletic drug test should refrain from using 19-Nortestosterone (nandrolone) or any of its metabolites, that includes nor-prohormones.
DocJ said:
Nandrolone metabolites can show for up to 12 months.

listen to the doc, i have read up to 18 months

deca would be the close to the worst gear to take if specific testing is a concern

look into test prop
There is this list of "how long is such and such a hormone detected for" that has been copies thousands of times on the Internet. But has anyone verified the validity of the list? Nope. Does the list even make sense when you compare things? Nope. Does the list mention the type of test? Nope.

For example, if they are only testing test:epitest ratio then you are probably good to go not long after the cycle.

And if they are checking the carbon signature of the testosterone, then you are completely fucked.
You will be wasting your time and money, recovery from deca is hard and @ 50 mgs a week you will end up loosing some weight because of recovery issues. Do test only or anavar.