How much Cadio??


New member
im trying to gain some lean mass. and also cut a lil bit of fat and im wondering how often i should be running? i do the eliptical 3 times a week for 30 min. is that ok? or should i be doiing more/less? thanks
the question is a little vague, but what works for me is low intensity cardio 4-5 times a week and around 30-45 min per session.
well in that case...

how often you do cardio is something you have to determine on your own, and it depends on your body, your diet, etc. I generally do 30-45 minutes on the stairmaster, elliptical, or treadmill a few times a week.
Your best bet is to decide whether you want to gain mass, or lose fat.

Don't plan on doing both.

Put on the mass with your cycle, but eat clean. Once you are done your post cycle therapy (pct) and your natural test levels have arrived back to normal, then think about dropping some excess fat.

Yes, you can gain muscle and lose fat, but it is hard. Pick one at a time and you will be more satisfied.