How much is too much test?


New member
i have a friend who is right now doing this exact cycle and looking to add insulin to it for bigger gains, ask infar250 this guy is huge he is a national competitor and is one of the leanest year round guys i have ever seen he is 6ft 2 and 280lbs 22 in bis 33 inch waist and a shit load of veins. but heres the cycle;

test enanthate 250mg 5 ccs ED for 5 days then take 2 off
omnadren 250 mgs 2 amps ED for 5 on 2 off
anadrol 50mgs 4 ED
dbol 15-20 pills ED
tren 3ccs ED
hgh 6 ius EOD

heres the kicker he really dosent come off at all for the year, but he also is not bloated one bit, and is about 7-8% bodyfat.
now this is a big huge mofo he is an ex pro but is older now and trying to get back on top. this is a cycle devloped by a very famous trainer in CALI for him this guy trains alot of pros. but isnt this just a bit too much? i havent even gone over 1 gram of test and he is doing a shit load more than that in a day. he also has no sides at all none its amazing. he eats 15 meals a day 4 boxes of rice and 5 16oz steaks with 1 lb of chciken his first 2 meals are 30 eggwhites.

now at what point are certain doses too damn much i mean come on. let get some feedback on this its blowing my mind.

I can see people using 1 gram, even top IFBB guys using 2 grams of Test along with whatever else, but how much drugs and how much damage will some people do for a lack of genetics?
bro that is his current cycle

its retarded and he is growing no doubt he is probably the second stongest in the area we live in. he reps 800 lb squats for sets of 10! and does 700lb deads for 12s!!!!!!!! he attracts attention wherever we train its amazing.

I think you just take as much as you need to grow, and no more. Obviously, the bigger you are, the more you need. He sounds like a big boy, but that's more gear than I'd put a T-Rex on. I bet he could grow off less than that, but who knows.
If I was to guess about your friend.......he is about retarded. No.....I take that back....he is retarded.......that is way too much test.
RoadHouse said:
I can see people using 1 gram, even top IFBB guys using 2 grams of Test along with whatever else, but how much drugs and how much damage will some people do for a lack of genetics?

Agreed.....but this guy's cycle is;
1.25 grams Test Enanthate ED for 5 days, so that's 6.25 grams a week
.5 gram Omnas ED for 5 days, so that's 2.5 grams a week
Those alone add up to 8.75 GRAMS/week
then drol @ 200 mg/day
+ d-dol @ 75 - 100 mg/day
and then 225 mg of Tren a day.

Blows my mind away. WTF !! :confused:
guys big eater isnt the word

he is a gigantous eater i could never in my life eat 1/2 as much as him he eats like 8000-10000 cals ED

Re: bro that is his current cycle

minitor2 said:
its retarded and he is growing no doubt he is probably the second stongest in the area we live in. he reps 800 lb squats for sets of 10! and does 700lb deads for 12s!!!!!!!! he attracts attention wherever we train its amazing.


I'd have to see that squat myself. That would equate to a 950lb single. If he switched to the powerlifting style squat he's probably over 1,000lbs.
he slams 10 cc's of oil in his body ed? damn, has he ever had an abcess? or liver probs with 300 mg of orals a day? thats 12,425 mg's per week!!! and why is the hgh eod? how can someone afford all of this? even if all of this was bought in TJ i cant say that wthis would even be remotely close to affordable unless dealing on the side or being independantly wealthy
That why you see BBers doing movies. Take a look at

Kai Greene is on there. I've seen him in shows on ESPN.
the cost means nothing hes

loaded i mean loaded hes a ex american gladiator he amde lot so fcash from that and his sponcerships, he says he feels like a pin cushion. get this he injects 5ccs in each spot he injects and he is up to 4ccs in each bi. bro its amazing he dosent pop. he has 0 acne he takes no anti es has no liver probs. gets regulary checked by a doc. its sick.

no anti e's and no water retention? some people jsut get all the luck. what was his name as a gladiator i might remember him. what brand gear does he use? his cycle could stock my whole gym for a year.
on gladiators

his name was thor his preference is right now the jelfas, normas, primotesten, dbol is the pink stop signs so he calls them he dosent knwo what brand and he is using thai anadrol.

Minitor is right though, this guy is fucking huge.................... if you stood next to this guy he would shadow you.............. "literally" one thing i am a little eary about is that.......... this guy did have cancer before........ i dont remember exactly wut type.......... but if i am not mistaken i read somehwere that cancer feeds off testosterne......... was this for prostate cancer or cancer in general ?? newho........ it runs in the family but do you think the high dose of roids caused i mean i dont mean to sound like one of those panzy ass pussies on ricki lake or an oprah talk show saying roids are bad but i am just curious on wether or not this had nehing to deal with it