How often do you guys cheat on cycle


New member
Hey guys, curious how often you guys have a cheat meal. I generally have one every one-two weeks but sometime go for a month or so without one. I know you need to eat super clean on cycle so should I cut out cheats all together?

I don't really mind cutting them out if neccessary, sometimes it's actually easier for me to eat clean by not cheating at all. That is what I do to avoid craving when I am cutting. Since I am a former fatty I have horrible eaters remorse. It almost makes eating enjoyable food totally unenjoyable.
I won't have one more than once a week. Sometimes it's every 2, 3, etc. When I do cheat, I cheat BIG. I'll have a MASSIVE meal. Probably in the 1,500-2000 calorie range :laugh3:
Honestly I have 3-4 cheat meals I week. I try to eat clean and follow diet 90 percent of the time. For me this is a hobby and a lifestyle but I try not to take it to the point where I can't enjoy myself.
Thanks for the heads up guys, I can always make a healthy version of burger and fries here at the house but some big ol steak burritos have been calling my name. I wish I didn't have so much trouble with eaters remorse but that has been slowly getting better as my body progresses. I use to be close to 300lbs with a 42 inch waist. Now I am am 206 @ 13% BF with a 32" waist and I still feel like that little fat kid. Need to get the crap out of my head and enjoy myself every once in a while.
I cheat every 7 to 10 days. Usually pizza or Mc Crap. but sometimes and most the summer, i just do refeeds with good quality carbs.
