how often to get bloodwork??


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I'm planning on extending my 600mg of test e to 20wks and was wondering how often yall would get bloodwork done? I got it done at 6.5wks and it was all good >1500 test 50 estrogen. I've also started Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu e4d with test shots and aromasin but I've been getting hot flashes and red flushed skin lately. signs of high e or low e or just hormones? blood pressure is good, and this has happen before with and without an anti e, only thing different this time is hcg.
I'm planning on extending my 600mg of test e to 20wks and was wondering how often yall would get bloodwork done? I got it done at 6.5wks and it was all good >1500 test 50 estrogen. I've also started Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu e4d with test shots and aromasin but I've been getting hot flashes and red flushed skin lately. signs of high e or low e or just hormones? blood pressure is good, and this has happen before with and without an anti e, only thing different this time is hcg.

I would usually get mine done prior to starting to ensure I'm back to normal, and then half way through just to see where things were. I have never had any sides whatsoever though. If you were having difficulties I would recommend more frequently, as for the hot flashes, I have never experienced them. Could be just hormones, but if things get worse, it would never hurt to look at some labs.

Good Luck
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I suggest as often as possible. Before, during and after is pretty common. If I run 20+ weeks I will get them done a couple times. Your estro was high at 50, 6.5 weeks in. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will also cause a spike in estro so it wouldn't hurt to get that checked again or run some aromisin if you aren't already.

On longer cycles it's also good to check liver/kidneys(which should be fine w/o orals) CBC w/diff(WBC,RBC,hematocrit,hemoglobin) cholesterol.

If you don't have any high numbers that's great but if you do you might want to donate blood or add supplements for cholesterol. Fish oil 5-10g a day and niacin is good for cholesterol.
thanks for the comments guys, I do get a full blood panel with the cbc, ect... and everything is good. I've read that hcg will automatize alot so I have been taking aromasin usually every other day, I just don't want to take too much since I powerlift and need good joints and everything. what post cycle therapy (pct) did you take USER when you've done 20wks, and did you come back fine? my last post cycle therapy (pct) was torem and a natural test booster and I recovered fast and fully, so I plan on torem again.