How should i run my sust 300 and EQ question


New member
Hey everyone I've got sust 300 dosed at 300mg/ml and EQ at 300mg/ml. I have 4 10ml bottles of sust and 2 10ml bottles of EQ. Just wondering what people think would be a good dosage for each. Looking to shoot 2-3 times a week and run for a minimum of 10 weeks. I was thinking 750mg a week sust and 600mg a week EQ. I have a show in August so I will be running a contest prep stack around July. Here are my stats:

31 years old
6'4" 221lbs
around 12-13% bf
Run about 5 previous cycles and am familiar with pct and on cycle support.
Diet and training is in check.

Dont run sust unless if u dont mind pinning frequently.
Follow what tbon said, either get extra vial of eq or run it at lower dosage whoch should get you to longer then 12 weeks :)
I personally don't care for eq. You have to run it at 600mg/wk minimum. And like the boys said, 15 weeks at least. It's just a whole lot of money for minimum results. But just my opinion. Some guys I lift with love it.
Run 600mg of Deca and tell me what you care for... I have never run EQ but too many people tell me its so mild in that 600mg EQ what they describe it is what I get from 200mg of Deca alone.

My point? Fuck EQ unless you've got it cheap. Run an equivalent amount of deca and you'll be laughing. Deca is king.
Tbon I believe it's isocaproate, phenylpropionate,decanoate,propionate. Not sure of how much of each though. Just know the total mg. I can either get another vial or lower the dosage . What do you think would be more beneficial? I hear EQ is better run at 400-600mg. Running it that long will put me right into a bridge into my prep cycle. I'm fine with that though. After my show I'll maybe do one more show in October and then be completely off for 2-3 months.

Fitguy22 I have no problem pinning 3 times a week. I believe that is the more preferred protocol for sust.
I actually ran 600mg of Deca last year w/ 600mg of test E for a bulk. It wasn't bad. I hated the bloat though. I did see quality gains though. My buddy loves EQ. I do get it cheap by the way. I have never tried it so I figured fuck it let's see what happens. I may react well to it.
disregard what i said about running eq at 400 , i thought this was your 2nd or 3rd cycle and just re read you've done 5 cycles!
id say keep eq at 600, 750mg of sust is amazing if you pin it Eod or three times a week i did a sustanon and dbol cycle and guys here advised me to pin eod andbro trust me it felt amazing!

get an ai,hcg proper pct but I'm sure u knew that since its ur 6th cycle.
Get more vials, u will need em.
If I were you bro I would pinn 3/4cc of your sust eod. This would be 225mgs eod. Run your eq at 600mg/wk. or if you can afford it, run the eq at 750mg/wk.
Thanks for the advice bro.. I think I'm going to run it like you said. I'll pin mon, wed, fri. Looking forward to trying this cycle.
disregard what i said about running eq at 400 , i thought this was your 2nd or 3rd cycle and just re read you've done 5 cycles!
id say keep eq at 600, 750mg of sust is amazing if you pin it Eod or three times a week i did a sustanon and dbol cycle and guys here advised me to pin eod andbro trust me it felt amazing!

get an ai,hcg proper pct but I'm sure u knew that since its ur 6th cycle.
Get more vials, u will need em.