How to deal with ED pin PIPs ??


New member
Running a Test Prop-Tren Ace cycle. Only recently started learning how to draw up 2 oils in one syringe. Due to Tren Ace's half life I want to keep blood levels stable, therefore I am planning on pinning ED. I'm only a few days into my cycle and I just don't see how ED pins work.

I only pins glutes, ever. I switch sides but with ED pins, my ass is sore all day!! It just keeps getting worse before it can heal. People can't possibly be beating up their ass with ED pins right? lol

I try to do things to reduce PIP, but still with ED pinning the PIPs add up quick. Things like: injecting slowly, relaxing muscle, massaging area right after.

Any tips would be helpful, thanks HAVE to alternate pinning sites. ESPECIALLY with ED pinning. You're going to build up tons of scar tissue and have major swelling. At least 3 different sites for ED pinning. Example, glutes, quads, delts...I do all of those plus ventroglutes.


day 1 - left glute
day 2 - right glute
day 3 - left quad
day 4 - right quad
day 5 - left get the point.

It's a must!
You should avoid pinning the same site more than once every 7 days. So you need more injections sites. Check out

I recommend that you start pinning glutes, delts, quads and ventroglutes.

Also, unless volumes become too big for comfort, you should consider pinning EOD instead of ED. Those esters don't have to be pinned ED.
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Myself I pin my delts and glutes, I just rotate, and I also pin ed bro, 4 spots work fine for.myself, others may differ
Myself I pin my delts and glutes, I just rotate, and I also pin ed bro, 4 spots work fine for.myself, others may differ

Long term, only using two sites may be a problem. It would be easy to add in at least one or two more sites. Quads are very easy as everything is right in front of you and you can use two hands. You are lean enough so it should be pretty easy for you to find your VG too. VG has become on of my favorite spots!
I agree mega, was gonna try my traps, as i use to pin my quads but for some reason I just can't stick a needle there nomore or I just don't want too lol, to.many veins and always seem to hit a nerve
Going to adding in masteron e along side my test at 300mg/week, 800mg tren a, and now adding mast in at 500mg/week starting next week, so will Def have to use more pin sites, was thinking of triceps, have u tried your triceps before as I have done biceps but wasn't the nicest spot to pin lol
Running a Test Prop-Tren Ace cycle. Only recently started learning how to draw up 2 oils in one syringe. Due to Tren Ace's half life I want to keep blood levels stable, therefore I am planning on pinning ED. I'm only a few days into my cycle and I just don't see how ED pins work.

I only pins glutes, ever. I switch sides but with ED pins, my ass is sore all day!! It just keeps getting worse before it can heal. People can't possibly be beating up their ass with ED pins right? lol

I try to do things to reduce PIP, but still with ED pinning the PIPs add up quick. Things like: injecting slowly, relaxing muscle, massaging area right after.

Any tips would be helpful, thanks

U cannot just pin your glutes man especially ed injections
Look at it this way u are going in with a needle tearing the.muscle, then the following day going into that same.muscle again doing the same shit, giving it no time to heal, your gonna build uo excess scar tissue in no time using only one site as well
If doing tren ace u have to suck it up and find other alternative pin sites brother or u are not going to last that long pinning ed
Another tip... Learn how to backload slin pins (half inch 29 gauge) or get some half inch tips at smaller gauge like 27. This of course only works if you are lean enough. Those smaller gauge needles take longer to inject (which can be a good thing) but you hardly feel them. This is great for delt and quads.
I have tried the 27g lol, they just feel so flimsy it's unreAL.and feels like the gonna snap cause I am pressing on the plunger so hard to try to get the juice flowing lol, reason I tried the 27g cause they were all out of the 23g that I typically use, and they didn't have any 25g so I had to settle for the 27g, lol never again ha
Shit took forever to inject, 120mg tren a, 300mg test
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Going to adding in masteron e along side my test at 300mg/week, 800mg tren a, and now adding mast in at 500mg/week starting next week, so will Def have to use more pin sites, was thinking of triceps, have u tried your triceps before as I have done biceps but wasn't the nicest spot to pin lol

I pin my triceps IM with hCG and peptides. No big AAS volumes though.
Ok thanks guys. Total newb here with the ED pinning. My only cycles have been slow esters.

Does anyone notice proclivity to tren cough on a particular site? I've heard a few people say they get it from delts more often, but never glutes.

Side note when I say glutes, I mean pinning various areas all around the upper muscular quadrant-around hip area. I'm too much of a pussy to pin delts, idk I have to work into that. Maybe I should just do EOD pins until I build up a bit more confidence in my pinning technique.