How to get rid of PIP once you have it


New member
This prop is killing me. I had to skip leg day this week I pinned right quad left ventro right glute and are all still sore. I followed all the recommendations showered first warmed up vial injected slowly and massaged for 5-10mins and its still terrible. Especially my left delt. So once you have PIP what steps can you take to get rid of it? Im sure others would like to know as well. Only thing i can think of is more massage while showering.
Was it a virgin muscle? is it swollen/red-ish? I'm currently injecting Sustanon (sust) 300mg/ml @ 0.5cc EOD and finding new injection spots (calves & traps) and they do fkn hurt as hell! my left calf has been sore since monday (injection sunday evening) and is still swollen, but the pain isn't as bad though. I usually never heat up the vial before injection, probably going to start though.

Anyways here's a pic of the difference between my two legs, I still worked legs today, intense as fuck!!!
Try putting some ice on the area hurting, and I also take some legal pain killers or muscle relaxant, even an anti-inflammatory would help if its swollen.

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Btw this is the 2nd it happened this bad. Actually on my first cycle Test E with a different lab I injected my quad as a 2nd injection into the cycle with a 20g 1 1/2'' needle, stuck it in all the way and the next day my knee area was fkn hurting bad, throughout the day it had swollen up very badly and I couldn't walk, I went to the hospital and they prescribed me some anti-inflammatory & tylenol 3s I was honest and told them I injected test (I'm in Canada so they didn't really give a fk)
Yes virgin muscle. Kinda swollen just tight though. Not red. Ib profin has helped as well as showers I'll just stick to that I think.
Inject in the muscle you are going to work that day helps, until your muscle gets acclimated to it. Alot of injection pain comes from technique and virgin muscles. It will go away in a few days.
How to reduce post injection pain(pip).


Post injection pain can literally be a pain in the butt, amongst other places.
Hygiene and sterility, pre injection is obviously paramount in avoiding PIP.
We all know what that means, for those who don't it's in the stickies.

Ok, for the last month iv'e been using the Z track method and found that PIP especially in my quads is practically non-existent.

How to employ the Z track method?
Firstly get your injection point, then pull the skin across or down from that point, this moves the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues a centimetre or two, this helps reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, remembering to keep an eye on the injection point.

Next insert the needle sharply in at a 90dg angle to the depth you need.
Inject the steroid (after aspirating) at a rate of about 10 secs/ml, when fully injected keep the needle in place for another 10secs, so allowing the steroid to seep into the muscle.
Remove the syringe quickly, at exactly the angle you went in and release the skin, this is what stops any of your steroid leaking out and reduces bleeds, then apply a little pressure to the area, but don't massage the area immediately afterwards, wait a couple of minutes or you can cause some of the oil to be released back up the needle track and into subcutaneous tissue, which can lead to swelling and PIP.

Exercising the muscle afterwards will assist the absorption of the steroid by increasing blood flow to the area.

Finally, if you know where and how to inject safely into the ventrogluteal muscle, this is the best choice as there are no major nerves or blood vessel.
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only thing that works now is time ...

i think prevention of PIP is your best hope

it does get better though
I'm on my first test prop/ tren ace cycle and the pip is pretty intense. The guys at work said I'm walking like I just got out of the prison shower
No body's going to comment on the 20 guage needle in the quad! Holly shit man! I feel bad for you. I bet there was like a spaghetti string of muscle fibers you could have shot out of that needle after words! Lol oh what a great visual image.

To reduce PiP after it is im place. I put the least amount of pressure on the muscle at all times. And only move it in ways that put no amount of strain on it. Some times its best to just take it easy for a few days if its to bad. I personally do not use ice or warmth to try to help PIP after it has set in for the simple fact that fucking with something can always make it worse. And I don't like anything touching my injection area even if its a day after words it still bothers me. Unless it is sub q :)
I recently did my 3rd ever pin, but the difference in PIP between the 1st and 3rd was night and day. I found that running very hot water over a small towel then draping it over my quad while massaging it a little loosens up the muscle. When I injected, I did it much slower, about 60 secs for 1ml and held the syringe at the base to minimize movement. Pulled out slowly 10 secs after injecting and massaged lightly again, walked around a bit and 2 days have passed and soreness is non-existent.