How to get rid of Water Retention?

Whats your diet like
High pro, high carb, low fat?
Possibly carb sensitive?
Maybe try lowering your carb intake and increasing your fats
Whats your goals here?
8 litres man that's a shit ton of water
Even for your size I'm going to try that tomorrow I don't really count but I'd have to say 4litres a day for me and then there's shakes juice maybe a coffee on top of that maybe I need more water??

I am taking a medium dose of tren (600mg) with var and sdrol in the mix as well. If you space it out and sip constantly, you get through it pretty quickly. I've usually had 2L between 6-8am, another 1 by 930, another 1-2 by 12pm, 1 in 2 in 1-5pm, 2 by 7pm and then not much more before bed. adds up quickly hey
I am taking a medium dose of tren (600mg) with var and sdrol in the mix as well. If you space it out and sip constantly, you get through it pretty quickly. I've usually had 2L between 6-8am, another 1 by 930, another 1-2 by 12pm, 1 in 2 in 1-5pm, 2 by 7pm and then not much more before bed. adds up quickly hey

Var and superdrol giving your liver a flogging yea we'll I'd probably up the water if I was running 2 orals aswell .
Yeah it does add up quickly lol latley it doesn't feel like there's enough hours in the day im either eating drinking shakes or drinking water or juice with some nac eating drinking again eating drinking eating lol wake up and do it all again haha
DO NOT take diuretics regularly OP.
With all that water goes all the good stuff too like glycogen essential elements etc.

I took a diuretic for a power meet as I was 4 pounds over the night before and it ended with out me EVEN finishing the meet for the cramp s. 2 nd squat almost sent me to the floor.


Hey mate,

When you had the cramps, how much diuretics did you take, and which diuretics did you take?

I don't get any cramps at all when I take diuretics, and I believe this is because I took the type that doesn't flush out potassium (Amiloride, a postassium sparring diuretics).

Typically, people take diuretics such as Lasix, and Lasix flushes out sodium but it also flushes out potassium.
When the muscles have little potassium, you get muscle cramps.
Lasix ?

I was a 198 but 202 AND HUNGRY so I needed to drop fast and I made weight but was gonna pull a 605 ( yes..I was 1 of 4 people in MS at the time who could triple their body weight in dl and squats ). But squatting 565 on my second attempt my back screamed, and then when I bailed letting it hit the floor my legs s locked up too. Fell DOWN.
I guess my point should have been clearer. Do not use diuretics regularly as if your that apt to bloat adjust ur diet, aas or ai s. FORCING water out by any means other than by increasing it s intake is in my opinion not cool. Why ? It s not just the water but it s the good stuff contained in it and aas are to some degree water retention AGENTS as a storage tank for all the things that makes you Grow. Strength gains. Endurance. Sex drive etc. The key is to get the water to stay in the MUSCLE . I know it s hypocritical for me to be on here on trt (x 2 and 3 sometimes) and do little blasts and say don t do drugs. ( I ve done 2 g a week lad s) At my age, and you ll be here before you can realize it I try to preach less drugs, less abuse of AAS and all that other stuff I do not fool with ever (ai s, IGF s slin hgh) use more or better food, stay busy , rest, do other shit too and train smarter, live longer be smarter read more, and be nicer.
Kids are using short cut s way to recklessly. I did. I m so messed up right now guy s. Scary.
I digress
Now this 52 year old sagging old man s going to attempt to do 225 on flat bench for 15 rep s x 3 sets.
49 er-you in ?
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