HRT Long-term dose increase necessary?


New member
HRT Long-term dose increase necessary?

i have this question in my head, i'm just not sure how to word it right, so here goes...

supposedly after multiple AS cycles, one would have to increase the amount of each dose to see similar if any gains. i can understand that. now with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), being like a long-term thing (never coming-off again), would you also have to increase the dose over time? let's say the doc puts you on 250mgs of test/week... after a couple of years, would your receptors become "used" to that amount, and thus one would have to increase their weekly dose of test?
lots of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) questions lately (i know); but just trying to get as much info as i can on the subject.
GearTripper said:
HRT Long-term dose increase necessary?

i have this question in my head, i'm just not sure how to word it right, so here goes...

supposedly after multiple AS cycles, one would have to increase the amount of each dose to see similar if any gains. i can understand that. now with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), being like a long-term thing (never coming-off again), would you also have to increase the dose over time? let's say the doc puts you on 250mgs of test/week... after a couple of years, would your receptors become "used" to that amount, and thus one would have to increase their weekly dose of test?

No to everything. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is used for medical purposes.. Not to push you above your genetic limit like gear..

and the receptors getting dirty after awhile I personally think it BS.. but most will disagree..
Re: Re: HRT Long-term dose increase necessary?

OldGunz is right.

Receptors don't "get used" to a certain amount (whatever the hell that means).

And don't forget that naturally we generally have the same amount of test from about the age of 10+, yet you don't see people in their 20s suddenly getting weak and frail with 800ng/dl test levels.

p.s. 250mg/wk is most likely going to be overkill. :)
I see that you're still under the impression that there is some difference between Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) & Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use. Any particular reason why you won't accept that there isn't any difference????
If your Dr put you on 250mg a week, I wouldn't consider ot Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), because you going over what you'd lost, if you've lost any at all. 100mg a week is standard or 200mg e2w.

JohnnyB said:
If your Dr put you on 250mg a week, I wouldn't consider ot Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), because you going over what you'd lost, if you've lost any at all. 100mg a week is standard or 200mg e2w.


The standard dose is 100mg WK, but I remember an interesting post by Swale a couple of weeks ago where he said that some people require higher doses. In particular, he refered to one of his patients, who needs 400mg WK just to get his levels to the high normal range.
xtinct said:
The standard dose is 100mg WK, but I remember an interesting post by Swale a couple of weeks ago where he said that some people require higher doses. In particular, he refered to one of his patients, who needs 400mg WK just to get his levels to the high normal range.

This has been the case for me, personally. It took 200/week to get me into high normal range.
In response to your question, no, it's not usually necessary to keep going up on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doses.
SkedMedz said:
I see that you're still under the impression that there is some difference between Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) & Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use. Any particular reason why you won't accept that there isn't any difference????

you aren't understanding me... i understand that there isn't any difference... what i am asking is; since they are in fact the SAME THING, wouldn't you have to increase your Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose just as you would your AS dose over time. sa i wanted to do a 5 year AS cycle, i would have to increase the test every six months or so (guessing here) for it to continue to have the same effects as my receptors become "flooded" "used to" "dirty", whatever you want to call it, so wouldn't you have to do the same thing with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? i was just using 250mg/week as an example. so lets say the doc puts you on 100mgs/week... after a while, say two years of that straight, would your receptors begin to get "dirty" or "flooded" again and not "notice" the 100mgs/week?
No no no no no...

You're totally confusing things. Take the whole idea of "dirty receptors" and flush it down the toilet.

What I think you mean is that if you gain 10 lbs of muscle on 100mg/wk over 6 months (for instance) and then plateau, that you'd have to up the dosage to 200mg/wk in order to break through the plateau and gain another 10 lbs.

That has nothing to do with receptors "getting dirty". It relates with your personal genetic potential and how much *extra* test it takes to push up past your natural limit.

When someone is taking 2g/wk of Test and finds that they plateau at 300 lbs, it's not because their "receptors are dirty". They've simply reached their genetic limit as to how big they can maintain on 2g/wk of Test.
so bascially, at 100mg test/week, it would just be as if my body were producing its own natural test levels. my body would never become "used to" that amount of test, 'vause that is waht my body would produce naturally? i should be able to maintain what i have so far with my workout routine indefinately (or til i'm like 60-70ish)?

P.S. - it will be hard to flush the "dirty receptor" theory 'cause it's like considered common talk among AS use... but i'm trying :)

DTOX said:
No no no no no...

You're totally confusing things. Take the whole idea of "dirty receptors" and flush it down the toilet.

What I think you mean is that if you gain 10 lbs of muscle on 100mg/wk over 6 months (for instance) and then plateau, that you'd have to up the dosage to 200mg/wk in order to break through the plateau and gain another 10 lbs.

That has nothing to do with receptors "getting dirty". It relates with your personal genetic potential and how much *extra* test it takes to push up past your natural limit.

When someone is taking 2g/wk of Test and finds that they plateau at 300 lbs, it's not because their "receptors are dirty". They've simply reached their genetic limit as to how big they can maintain on 2g/wk of Test.
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GearTripper said:
so bascially, at 100mg test/week, it would just be as if my body were producing its own natural test levels. you've got it !!

What your Doctor then needs to determine is where that puts you on the scale of normal the middle or high end.

For instance 100 mg/week puts me in the middle range, 200 might put me in the high end of the normal range.
my test levels test in the 500s but once tested lower, i feel like crap and have a lot opf body fat and sleep all day, and im only 20, so im thinking about trying to get androgell some how but cant find a doc to cough it up.
simpllyhuge said:
my test levels test in the 500s but once tested lower, i feel like crap and have a lot opf body fat and sleep all day, and im only 20, so im thinking about trying to get androgell some how but cant find a doc to cough it up.

you might want to reconsider, i am the same age and about 300, and i feel pretty good and have gained 15-20 lbs of muscle in the past year w/o AAS.
just saying there may be other factors and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) may not be the end-all be-all it often seems to be on BB forums.
with that said i'm also looking into HRT...obviously.

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arby said:
you might want to reconsider, i am the same age and about 300, and i feel pretty good and have gained 15-20 lbs of muscle in the past year w/o AAS.
just saying there may be other factors and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) may not be the end-all be-all it often seems to be on BB forums.
with that said i'm also looking into HRT...obviously.


Yeah, I agree. Most of your Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) regimens are designed to get you to the 500 to 600 range. So, in your case you would be shutting down your natural production without gaining anything.
It sounds like your problem is slow metabolism from your bodyfat levels. I'm thinking a course of ECA or clen would do you wonders.
xtinct said:
The standard dose is 100mg WK, but I remember an interesting post by Swale a couple of weeks ago where he said that some people require higher doses. In particular, he refered to one of his patients, who needs 400mg WK just to get his levels to the high normal range.
The dose range is different for everyone. The insert that comes with Upjohn cypionate has from 50-400 every 2-4 weeks.
