Humalin vs Humalog: An Intelligent Debate

elijah_123 said:
Why choose the 75/25, not that I'm doubting it but curious for the reasoning behind it.

If for the extended action I would suggest using multiple shots of hum-r at first to get used to. We need to remember Ironmaster is much more experienced with insulin than all of us combined, and has a good grasp of how his body responds. I've used large amounts of slin and still would be hesitant to jump into N. I would at least use hum-r every 6 hours for a week to see how I respond. Just my two cents :)

Thanks man. The main reasons I thought the 75/25 would be a good choice is:

1) It has the quick hit of log and then a longer lower (than R) dose to carry me through the rest of the day. Which as IM said, is what he prefers for bulking.
2) Buying one vial of that would be cheaper than a vial of log and R (I'm poor)
3) If I shoot R and log at the same time I don't think I'll be able to use as much as if I used 75/25, b/c the log and R will peak so close togther that they be "on top" of each other so to speak.
4) I feel I have a pretty good grasp on what going hypo feels like and how to deal with it, so even with log which hits fast, I've never been to scared, there is always plenty of time to get your blood sugar up if you can feel the early warning signs. Not that I don't respect it, slin can be very dangerous, it's just like a gun, if you now how to use it properly, it's not something to be scared of, but you should never just not worry about it or forget that it can be deadly. Plus I'll be at home over the summer and working out in the morn on days I don't work, so I'll have all day to eat and never be in a bad spot (i.e. walking to class, working, etc...) where it would a little riskier to have slin active. I don't plan on being much anywhere besides my couch and kitchen.

But you are probably right, R and log would be safer and easier to manage. I'll have to think about it I guess. The canadian pharm where I get my slin doesn't carry it, so I'll probably end up using log and R anyway.
staybig said:
i thought you was post to get 10 grams of carbs for every i.u.

That is a common number thrown around for saftey.
Just as you should start at 5 IU and work up the same goes for 10 gr/IU.

Once you get to the max number of IUs you feel comfortable with while using 10gr/IU then start moving down the gr/IU. THis approach will help you avoid fat gain.
Doc Banner said:
Thanks man. The main reasons I thought the 75/25 would be a good choice is:

1) It has the quick hit of log and then a longer lower (than R) dose to carry me through the rest of the day. Which as IM said, is what he prefers for bulking.
2) Buying one vial of that would be cheaper than a vial of log and R (I'm poor)
3) If I shoot R and log at the same time I don't think I'll be able to use as much as if I used 75/25, b/c the log and R will peak so close togther that they be "on top" of each other so to speak.
4) I feel I have a pretty good grasp on what going hypo feels like and how to deal with it, so even with log which hits fast, I've never been to scared, there is always plenty of time to get your blood sugar up if you can feel the early warning signs. Not that I don't respect it, slin can be very dangerous, it's just like a gun, if you now how to use it properly, it's not something to be scared of, but you should never just not worry about it or forget that it can be deadly. Plus I'll be at home over the summer and working out in the morn on days I don't work, so I'll have all day to eat and never be in a bad spot (i.e. walking to class, working, etc...) where it would a little riskier to have slin active. I don't plan on being much anywhere besides my couch and kitchen.

But you are probably right, R and log would be safer and easier to manage. I'll have to think about it I guess. The canadian pharm where I get my slin doesn't carry it, so I'll probably end up using log and R anyway.

How about this, buy log and Hum-n. Shoot the log then in an hour shoot the hum-n at a low dose (5-6Iu) and get used to what it feels like to have insulin active all day long. Then move the Hum-N dose up slowly. YOu get both benefits of a large inital dose (the Log which you are used to already) and safe training ground with long acting slin. WHich since you are already familiar with slin and in a "safe" environment this summer you shoudl be able to move the dose up fairly rapidly. Just remember this, pick up games of basketball or anything during the summer will be VERY different with slin active in your system.

Also on the subject of cheap (which I am too) I use Hum-r instead of log, and inject it IM the peak comes within 15-20 minutes and has a sustained effect on my system. Which makes it have the quick onset of log and a little longer action at a lower cost. One of the reasons I prefer Hum-R when others like log. Its all personal preference.
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Elijah, my friend, and others interested; "n" is actually a very easy to handle type of insulin. It does not have the distinct spike that humalog and "r" have. It slowly releases all day long creating a good enviornment for growth. As long as you have good nutritional habits.....eating a balance of carbs and proteins evey couple hours, you won't even notice it. Now if a guy goes a long time between meals, or eats fatty foods, it's not a good choice. I often post in the middle of the night, cause I get up and eat.
Humulin r, on the otherhand, will surprise you sometimes and spike too soon or later than you expect.....several times I have gone hypo in the wrong places and had to run for glucose.
By far the safest for new users, is humalog. It's very predictable, and as long as the rules are followed, it's no problem.
Thanks Ironmaster, as I have never used "n" I wasn't sure how hard it hit and was erring on the side of caution. How does huum-n responed to physical exertion. I know while hum-r is active playing a game of basketball or something like that would be hard with out having carbs handy (when I've taken 10+ ius). Would hum-n feel more natural in this circumstance? Because afternoon sports games are fairly common.
do you guys think the prolong use of insulin like 4on 4off for about 5-6 years long will have perment damage to your body in the long run??

i mean like when you get about 50-60years old and you body fucks up from using the inulin???
staybig said:
do you guys think the prolong use of insulin like 4on 4off for about 5-6 years long will have perment damage to your body in the long run??

i mean like when you get about 50-60years old and you body fucks up from using the inulin???
No one knows for sure.
staybig said:
do you guys think the prolong use of insulin like 4on 4off for about 5-6 years long will have perment damage to your body in the long run??

i mean like when you get about 50-60years old and you body fucks up from using the inulin???

Like road house said there is no proof, but in my opinion it would be less harmfull than drinking a 110+ gram carb drink post work out and abusing the smack out of your pancreas 4 or 5 times a week.
I just ordered myself a bottle of humalin-r. I plan on relying on slin alone instead of gear for the next year or two.

Pretty damn excited.
I've never met anyone who claimed to have developed diabetes from long term insulin use. I have considerable insulin experience with no problems. I also checked with my old friend the anabolicdiabetic, and he feels this is correct.
There is some argument that GH is more likely to cause diabetic problems.
Anyone have any experience using insulin while using small dosages of T3 (6.25mcg or 12.5mcg)? Especially if you've used both while on a test cycle.
ironmaster said:
Elijah, my friend, and others interested; "n" is actually a very easy to handle type of insulin. It does not have the distinct spike that humalog and "r" have. It slowly releases all day long creating a good enviornment for growth. As long as you have good nutritional habits.....eating a balance of carbs and proteins evey couple hours, you won't even notice it. Now if a guy goes a long time between meals, or eats fatty foods, it's not a good choice. I often post in the middle of the night, cause I get up and eat.
Humulin r, on the otherhand, will surprise you sometimes and spike too soon or later than you expect.....several times I have gone hypo in the wrong places and had to run for glucose.
By far the safest for new users, is humalog. It's very predictable, and as long as the rules are followed, it's no problem.

A couple questions if you get a sec Ironmaster:

1) If I'm planning on shooting log postworkout (morn) should I shoot the N as soon as I wake up, with the log, or an hour after the log?

2) I'm going to start out slow, but what would be a good dose to bulid up to? 10IU? 15? (I probably won't go over 10-15IU with the log)

3) I assume it is ok to nap on N? Should I eat a bowl of oatmeal or other low GI carb before naps or going to bed at night to make sure my body has a steady stream of carbs while I'm asleep?

4) How low should I keep my fat a day? I'll be bulking obviously, and it's pretty hard for me to put on weight, so I was planning on including a good bit of flax and olive oil, nuts, PB, salmon, etc.... Should I cut these foods out of my diet for the most part and only eat them occasionally?

5) Is it ok to use N everyday of the week, or should I just use it on days I workout?

I would very much appreciate your response IM.
Anyone have any experience using insulin while using small dosages of T3 (6.25mcg or 12.5mcg)? Especially if you've used both while on a test cycle.

well i used t-4 while using humilin -R and sust and deca. what is it exactly are you asking about using t-3 with the slin?
downwardspiral said:
well i used t-4 while using humilin -R and sust and deca. what is it exactly are you asking about using t-3 with the slin?

I've read that testosterone and T3 can effect the bodies insulin levels...just wondering if anyone noticed this equating to needing to use more or less insulin.
never heard that really not sure actually. i was using the t-4 during the bulk cycle for its ability to help with protein synthesis and to help combat adding too much fat during the cycle. it helped with that alot allowed me to eat more of everything without ballooning up
Doc, very good questions indeed. I'm always concerned that when I answer "hardcore" questions, some new person will go out and hurt themselves by not thinking it through like you do. As far as I'm concerned, there is no better person for a novice steroid user to consult than Doc Banner.

I would always use the humalog right after lifting. With a good carb/protein blend you can feed those muscles on a fast track when they most need to be fed. A good time to take in the nutrients is 15 min. before injecting....yes before....humalog acts almost immediately.

"N" is basically a 12 hour insulin, so you could probably go first thing in the AM, but I wouldn't be afraid to wait until after the humalog had run it's course, either.....that would be my way on your schedule. I lift in the late afternoon, so it's a no-brainer for me. N in the morning and humalog with GH after the workout. (Two seperate injections of R is similar in effect, if you are more comfortable with the timing of R.)

I have used as much as 40iu of combined insulins without incident, but of course you should start with N or R the same way you started with the other insulins you have used........slowly. I usually suggest 4iu of each to start, adding an iu every couple days. 10 to 15 is a good target. I don't see any point in more than 10iu of humalog. It is in and out so fast, more isn't better. It's primarily a quick hit for exoGH balance and post workout recovery.

I eat something every 2 hours while waking, and I get up once at night. You can still eat those good fat foods you mentioned. I do fine on a 40/40/20 diet. Really, you won't get fat unless you go nuts on fast food and crispy cremes. To tell the truth, doc, I drink beer, eat pizza, burgers, ice cream whatever......but in moderation. GH forgives a lot of sins in the diet department, even with insulin.

Sure, you can nap. N is mild. If you take in complex carbs throughout the day, you will be fine. Be sure to eat breakfast if you are going to dose in the AM.

I go every day with the GH and insulin, but will cycle off the insulin for 30 days every 3 months. So I'm doing 3 insulin cycles of 12 weeks each in a year. I don't lose anything in the month off, but then I use at least some gear year round. NO.....nobody in their right mind should do this.

Old men like me who have been at this for a long time are used to measuring true muscle gains of only a few pounds a year. I'm pretty much at the top of my genetic limitations, no matter how much gear I use. I gained 11 additional pounds in 12 weeks the first time I used insulin correctly.

Take pictures. I take the same couple poses every week and can tell real quick if I'm getting the desired results by looking back. That's why I am so sold on insulin, for example. The pictures from two identical cycles....except with insulin in the one.....are totally convincing.

Keep us all posted, brother.